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Shank Seamus!

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So, in a few days I'm gonna find myself and my la croix crew facing off against the viks, for the first time.

Any advice? Looking for general if you can.. I.e kill the viks, itl shut his crew down and the similar..

In my crew il be rocking out all but Rami,


Orphelia 4cache,

3 young'ns.

6 bayou gremlins.

2 haulers.






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The Viks have incredible movement speed and can easily slingshot each other across half the board in a single activation.

The crew chosen and the strategy/schemes will highly affect how they are played.

You will mostly want to make sure you do not keep your guys too close to each other. Her 2" melee range and whirlwind trigger can make short work of 2 or 3 minions easily.

If she has ronins, take them down when you can. If you kill a Vik first, she will be able to summon another one using a ronin as a sacrifice.

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If you can manage to take out any Ronin and 1 of the Viks, you can really neutralize their movement shenanigans. Ophelia by her self can easily waste them, as Calculated Luck is the best trigger in the game (IMHO). If they are using Freikorps, don't even bother using Pere. Utilizing Like Herding Squirrels can save your important models from multiple Vik strikes, while setting the trap to blow their faces off! Oh, and hope for any special that cuts movement in half...

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Stuck it to em good! Admittedly it was his first game with them, but the cheesy git took hamelin too.. but 5bayou gremlins later, 1 dead Hamlin :D had him clean off the board by turn 5...

Another successful gremlin raid against da man!

Time for sum 'shine!

As you say, it was his first game.....(stupid, broken cheesy gremlins...)

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Combination of 'take y,all with me and targeting my own gremlins' was kinda easy really..

That, combined with Steve's tried and tested tactic of marching his models right up the centre of the board, ignoring any available cover and complaining that 'I can't do anything!!'.....

How do you sleep at night? It's like punching a kitten.....

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