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Insanity bites. Card stock terrain blog


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Im just a classic Taurean!

Yeah im looking forward to seeing it finished and want it done so it can be used for intros/demo days aswell as my own games.

It is a lot of work, im hoping at the end i will be able to look and think it was all worth it. But only time will tell.

Hows about trying some floor Tiles to speed some of the sections up: http://www.anythingbutaone.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2756&start=0#p54488

Thought of you when I read "Well after spending a LONG time making about 6 tiles for the base layer and knowing I had to make about 48 including the second level buildings I decided there had to be a better way." :D

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ah im coming over all Magnus Magnusson......big comfy computer chair and all i can say is...i have started so i will finish lol.

I might attempt a sewer section after. If i do i will be mounting that on tiles for sure!

Fair enough. I admire your stubbornness.... sorry, mean determination! :D

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and the WWG teraclips stuff wraps round it ok, as i thought they needed some weird imperial size, 3/8ths or something. I hope its all good as i have some of there stuff. Also how easy is it to use there softwear to plan out your city?

edit again

Afterlooking at my account i got Himmelvile Streets and Thoumonts TLX Ed.

So just need some time patientce and ink.

Take care


Edited by count_zero99uk
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It is working fine for me, there is a very slight difference in sizes but just fold along the score lines as it makes no real difference.

Ink...ahhh yes just about to kill my first pair of cartridges after knocking our all 48 floor templates and about 35 of the actual coloured tiles. So not bad.

A few things i found with my printer was to make sure the settings are right. I have it set to print on plain paper (even though i use card), no margines (this is essential with the floor tiles) and to use adobe RGB instead of the default SRGB. Scaling etc all off.

I downloaded the planner as it helps. Plan out your board and if you take the time to input the posts, any second story floors and walls etc, then it will give you a manifest of everything you need to print. The other bonus and big one is that is shows all the different tile types so you can map out exactly how you want it for the first run.

EDIT* Yazza that was midway through the first 15 floor tiles lol. Lord only knows what it will look like in a couple of days when all the floor tiles are done. Im still not 100% decided on whether i will make the walls from foamcard. I dont really know how the posts will work with foamcard walls.

EDIT 2* Scratch that. Im rather impressed with this little old Kodak printer as its just printed out 48 floor templated, 48 floor tiles and the full plans for 2 ramps on a single ink cartridge.

Edited by ghostwalker
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  • 4 weeks later...

well its been a while since the last update. But i thought i would show the progress thats been made in the more organised corner of my chaos realm. (its clearly a visible amount of progress between the 2 pics :)


In the pic you can see all 48 'floor' tiles, the walls for all the building sections and the 6 arches that make up the bridge. On the matt are the mass of barricades that will go around the edges of the second level of the table.

With 4 weeks before the 'eastern front wargames show' the project is moving along and should....touch wood...be finished.

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no worries frog. I would honestly say terraclips will be a lot easier and a heck of a lot quicker than this project.

There has been a lot of frustration, learning, trial and error along the way. Amongst a lot of foamcard, card and 2 colour/ 2 black ink cartridges.

With terraclips now only a week or so away. I say hang in for it and save yourself grey hair and bald patches lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

my head hurts.....been figuring out all sorts of weird cuts on foamcard for stairs and ramps.

But the board is nearly finished, Got some edging to do on the floor tiles and plan to mount them onto cork bases to give some more stability. But after that its job done.....until we add some more...

pics to follow

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Well project complete....in the initial sense.

Now i can see the full board i can see lots of things i want to add. But the initial build is done and dusted.

Has it been worthwhile...well i think so. I had one heck of a learning curve and many hours of trial and failure as i experimented. It gives me what i wanted and thankfully in time for this months eastern front wargames show.

Now the itch is fixed in and i can see lots more to be built and added.

Would terraclips have been an easier option....definately lol. You need a lot of time and patience to make these.

Just the floor plan


With second level areas added in


As time goes by and i add more, i will keep the thread updated.

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Well this is the ongoing everlasting project. I am about 3/4 of the way through building a 2 storey house to go on the board. Very oldy worldy. But im enjoying the way the board is developing. Its playable right now, but adding more including buildings you can fight through will just pt the cherry on the cake.

Already tinkering with ideas for adding in the sublevel sewers and canal ways that are available....or just making an entire sewer level hehehe

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