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To Nathan


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I just wanted to reply an apologize for the Scheme card issue , I know your very busy . Since the thread was locked before I can apologize .

Hi Nathan ,

sorry about that , I Didn't even think about an IP issue , I was just happy my son wanted to put in that type of work for more malifaux stuff ( proud Dad moment lol ) . sorry about that , i was in no way trying to infringe on the IP or profit off of it ( you probably relize the cost of ink and lamination costs ) .

Again sorry about that , I was pretty excited about the way they came out for a prize for a large tournament iam running for malifaux , I thought it would be cool to share it with the malifaux community . I did not post these anywhere else .

I would also like to say thanks for making such an awesome game , that sparked new life into a hobby that was growing pretty stale . It is also the first game where my teenage son , got excited about and nags for me to get games in all the time ( which is awesome cause i have been wanting to share this hobby with him for a while ) .

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