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For all my sins : Part 2


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I awoke....at least I thought I had..... to what seemed an endless sea of white.

The pressure on my arms and chest indicated I was restrained, the fact I couldn’t move my head to check seemed to confirm it.

My memory and vision were blurry. I could remember being bundled into a prison cart where I hit my head and lost consciousness for the first time, and I could also now see a grid like pattern in the white that had been flooding my vision. I was staring at a ceiling.

The panic that I had felt from the moment I was thrown from the pastor’s sermon seemed almost unbearable now, beating on my inside like a caged animal and wanting to escape in a scream.

I would not scream!

And then I heard something.... a gentle melodic humming rising and falling in volume. I’m sure I recognised the tune but could not place it. I tried angling my head to see from whom the music came but it was stuck fast.

I had no choice but to lay still and listen....

Muffled voices.... a scraping sound... all the while the humming continued.

Then I heard something more distinct, and although it was clearly at a distance, it sounded to me like high heels on wood. I had only heard that sound once before but would remember it forever. It had been the one and only time my parents had taken me to the Star to see the matinee performance. The exotic costumes, lights and music had seemed magical to me then, and I had always secretly hoped that it might be me one day, on the stage, soaking up the adulation of the crowd. It was the sound of the dancers shoes as they traversed the stage that had stayed with me and that I was reminded of now.

I could hear them coming closer but something was not right, the person walked strangely. The sound was definitely the tapping of shoes on the floor but it sounded as if there was three legs. The sound was almost upon me now and the humming had ceased.

“Ah Lucius, what brings you to my humble lab? Surely such messy matters are beneath the great Governor’s secretary?” It was a man’s voice. I took it to be a weak man.

“It was me who sent her here Douglas, you have the plans, and you know what is required of you. My question to you is, why is it not done?” The man clearly known as Lucius, responded.

“Ahh but these things take time sir. They are matters of science and precision. One cannot go blundering in, no matter how eager to please one might be. And anyway, I require supplies for this kind of matter. Sebastian is attending to that as we speak sir.”

“Let me be quite clear. I am aware of the nature of such matters. I am also aware that you manage to make plenty of time for your out of hours activities. Yes, I know all about your little trips to the zone. Oh don’t you worry Douglas, these activities are between you and me. Just like my little request now, eh? Again though, in the interests of clarity, you will be doing exactly as I tell you for the foreseeable future, and right now I am telling you to dig out the plans I had sent down here, and start giving the girl the attention she deserves.”

“eh, yes yes, I er, see what you mean sir, of course it was always to be my first priority sir. I rarely have the opportunity to work on someone so......fresh. I will begin immediately, Sebastian is due back shortly with what I require in any event. I shall let you know when it is done.”

“See that you do Douglas.”

The tap, tap tapping sound began again as Lucius turned and – I assumed - left the room.

Suddenly a face appeared before me grinning from ear to ear, a large amount of ginger hair held back by what looked to me like a miner’s lamp, strapped to his forehead.

“Well hello my dear, I see you are awake. My name is McMourning and it is an absolute pleasure to meet you. I can honestly say that it is a rare delight to get to chat with the subject of my ministrations!” His smile spread further as he spoke, it appeared it was trying to escape by leaping off either side of his face.

I feared however that if I opened my mouth my scream would leak out.

“Not looking to talk eh? Well I’m sure I can talk enough for the both of us.”

“I heard all about the damage you did to six grow men as you were arrested you know? Quite a scene I understand, blood and teeth everywhere, how I would have loved to have been there. I only assume that is why Lucius has requested my services. They say you are the religious type? Is that where you get your strength from? I would certainly have enjoyed a little more time finding out exactly where you get it from but I am afraid my instructions are fairly clear, and let me tell you, you are a very lucky girl indeed. Some people in this forsaken hellhole of a city pay me good money for what you are going to get for free. Promise me you won’t go spreading the word I do freebies on the side?”

I already knew I hated this man and tried to convey that in a cold stare. Whether he saw that or the panic his words had somehow instilled in me I do not know.

“Well, you certainly don’t seem the blabbermouth type to me.”

“Anyway, even I can’t keep talking all day”

He leaned over me, a light reflected off the scalpel in his hand.

“For what you are about to receive may the lord make you truly thankful!”

And with that his upbeat humming began anew.

Edited by Chucklemonkey
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