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Tales from the Bayou


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The sun beat down through the willows and the sycamores around the Bayou. “It would have been a lot cooler if it weren’t for all of the stagnant water down ‘ere. Way I hears it the water evaporates into the air and creates a sticky, nasty, heat that stays with you like stink on a hog. Well sure, its daggone hot here, but hey, its home and ‘sides; there ain’t been one dull moment ‘ere since I came back from that border town… Whassit’s name again… Boseefus, what’s them humans call that town again? Oh yeah, San Nuevo.

What? You don’ believe that me an Boseefus here lived amongst your kind? Shoot, it was easy. -Oh yes how could I have forgotten me manners, name is Billy. Billy Ray Bishop.- Anyway, me an Boseefus were traders in that there town fer... I dunno a few years ‘till we got run out by them damn Ortegas. Hell yes we were traders, that’s why yer ‘ere ain’t chya? Billy Bo’s gator hides… Best in Malifaux, Boseefus! Go an’ get this feller here a hide. Now you go along with ol’ Boseefus. Trust me, its alright, he don’ bite no more... After he lost his teeth.”

Billy let out a wicked chuckle as the human walked hesitantly towards the little shed out in the back of Billy’s yard. It wasn’t a bad place; the gremlins had chosen a nice area to set up their little home. Billy looked out after Boseefus and the obviously scared human. Overlooking the porch, was a wide backyard that stretched a good fifty feet until it hit the edge of the swamp. Willow trees and dogwoods hung around all over, with the trail leading deeper in the swamp snaking around just out of view.

He thought about their little business, selling gator skins to the humans who had finally gotten used to the two gremlins. Billy let out a dark chuckle; it wasn’t easy getting the people to like sharing space with a couple of gremlins from the bayou. Then after all of that hard work, that prissy raven haired putain had to evict us.

Boseefus let out a loud “YEEHEEHEE” that startled Billy back into the present. It seems as though the human had somehow landed in the swamp. Billy ran over to the edge and peered in to see what was going on.

“Help me!” Demanded the human, who was struggling to stay above the murky waters as he flailed about incessantly.

Boseefus guffawed, “Boy, I reckon you gonna waste all that there energy hoopin’ an hollerin’ like that. Youse gots to stay afloat.”

As the human began to calm down, Billy turned around to get a stick to help get the human out of the mire. A lazy buzzing sound was heard from far off, but was getting closer by the minute. Through a clearing in the canopy, a large mosquito came buzzing around the beleaguered human and the two gremlins. It circled, and circled until it descended upon the human, who began to scream as the mosquito lowered its proboscis and began to drink the human’s blood. At first the human screamed, but after a little while, the screams turned into moans, then there was an eerie silence as the mosquito jerked up its head and twitched a little.

After a few minutes of shock Billy looked to Boseefus and sighed, “Reckon ol’ Som’er be wantin’ to see us huh?”

Boseefus came out from behind Billy, he had somehow ran behind him as the giant mosquito began to circle. It took Boseefus a minute to get his voice back; it was never easy watching Som’er Teeth Jones’ pets eat their fill. “Y-Y-Yeah I s’pose so.”

“Whatchya standin’ around ‘ere for?” Billy snapped, “We gotta get goin. Shoot, what are we gonna do with the body? There be guild patrols around these parts, we can’t have it layin’ ‘ere for all to see.”

This time it was Boseefus’ turn to grin. He laughed and let out a loud, “SOOOOOEEEEEYYYY”

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