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Dark Eldar incoming


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Starting with the Special Characters

Vects wife is called Lady Malys

Lelith does not have a 2++ dodge save. She has a 3++ save in combat, 4++ outwith combat.

Other SC's are


Baron Satohnix

Duke Sliscus

The 'Bonesword' is called a huskblade, the archon can also take a retinue of rather unique troops.

The troop grotesques are called wracks.

There will be two skimmer/flyers - not just the razorwing.

I like the sound of the two talos variants. The Haemonculous side of things are where my current wych cult will be heading.

A lot of pics are now available for the models.

My fave is Urien:


I'm actually REALLY excited for a Haemonculus led force. My old old DE list ran 6 Haemonculi and 3 squads of grotesques. I'm really excited to see what I can do with the new, larger grotesques (maybe I'll have something to do with my River Trolls finally!) as well as units of Wracks and Mandrakes. Yeah, I liked everything in the codex that was terrible.

I'm even going to be planning on conversions for hellions as Warriors with gargoyle wings (YES I know scourges are supposed to be this exact same archetype, but I'll have the conversions done, painted, and pictures taken before the official models are released so I can claim I did it first!).

Oh and maybe my metal talos will see action again...


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I'm actually REALLY excited for a Haemonculus led force. My old old DE list ran 6 Haemonculi and 3 squads of grotesques. I'm really excited to see what I can do with the new, larger grotesques (maybe I'll have something to do with my River Trolls finally!) as well as units of Wracks and Mandrakes. Yeah, I liked everything in the codex that was terrible.

I'm even going to be planning on conversions for hellions as Warriors with gargoyle wings (YES I know scourges are supposed to be this exact same archetype, but I'll have the conversions done, painted, and pictures taken before the official models are released so I can claim I did it first!).

Oh and maybe my metal talos will see action again...


Yes the codex would certainly seem to open up a lot of possibilities for unique armies and conversions - DE eldar were always good for that.

With Hellions being able to be troops and Beastmasters on Skyboards, with potential for converting flying beasties, the option for a nice flying force with them and scourges etc comes to mind.

I had thought that my current DE force with the addition of nice new SC models would have been enough for me, but if the Haemy stuff is as nice as the first batch of releases then 'm going to have to think again.

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Dark Eldar were my main army through the entirety of third edition. I sold them near the start of fourth and I have been waiting for new models since fifth came out.

Now that this codex is here (and more importantly, it and the models don't suck) I'm totally getting back into 40k a lot more.

I'm pretty excited about this army.

I want to make a competitive list for it, since it was my competitive build back in third.

At 1850 (our local tournament standard) I'm thinking:


2 x Hamonculi

Asdrubael Vect


Three of the following squad: three wracks in a raider with flicker field and dark lance. (100 points each)

Three of the following squad: three wracks in a venom with two splinter canons. (105 points each)

Heavy Support

3 x ravagers with three dark lances


Two squads of incubi in raiders with dark lances. (I forget how many in each, I believe 7 models per squad)

So the wracks basically do nothing except fill up my troops slots and sit in my raiders and make them scoring. There are a total of five raiders with dark lances and three ravagers for a total of 14 dark lances. 3 venoms provides 36 4+ poison shots for infantry with Incubi and Vect for cleanup. Vect really only made the list because he makes you steal the initiative on a 4+, increasing your odds of going first to 2/3.

The general idea is go first (hopefully) and blow up all of the other guy's armor and then fly around him while he tries to reach you.

The only potential weakness is infantry heavy lists with lots of ranged weapons. (most notably three loota squads and 15 space wolf long fangs with missile launchers in the competitive scene) But if I go first I can focus the three venoms on one squad, all the dark lances on another, and move flat out with a raider full of incubi at the third. That third squad will pop a raider, but then will be charged by incubi the following turn. I think the key source of losses with this list will be going up against a list like that and going second.

That's the general idea anyway. I know, the book isn't released and I'm being that guy...but I've been playing friendly lists too long! And I finally have my dark eldar back...

Any thoughts on that list? Think I can tighten it up?

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if even only a few of those rules are finalized i think that the army will be alot better than it was. and Finaly they change the jet bikes and raiders they look alot better than the old ones. i cant wait till i can start building up my DE army again.

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Dark Eldar were my main army through the entirety of third edition. I sold them near the start of fourth and I have been waiting for new models since fifth came out.

Now that this codex is here (and more importantly, it and the models don't suck) I'm totally getting back into 40k a lot more.

I'm pretty excited about this army.

I want to make a competitive list for it, since it was my competitive build back in third.

At 1850 (our local tournament standard) I'm thinking:


2 x Hamonculi

Asdrubael Vect


Three of the following squad: three wracks in a raider with flicker field and dark lance. (100 points each)

Three of the following squad: three wracks in a venom with two splinter canons. (105 points each)

Heavy Support

3 x ravagers with three dark lances


Two squads of incubi in raiders with dark lances. (I forget how many in each, I believe 7 models per squad)

So the wracks basically do nothing except fill up my troops slots and sit in my raiders and make them scoring. There are a total of five raiders with dark lances and three ravagers for a total of 14 dark lances. 3 venoms provides 36 4+ poison shots for infantry with Incubi and Vect for cleanup. Vect really only made the list because he makes you steal the initiative on a 4+, increasing your odds of going first to 2/3.

The general idea is go first (hopefully) and blow up all of the other guy's armor and then fly around him while he tries to reach you.

The only potential weakness is infantry heavy lists with lots of ranged weapons. (most notably three loota squads and 15 space wolf long fangs with missile launchers in the competitive scene) But if I go first I can focus the three venoms on one squad, all the dark lances on another, and move flat out with a raider full of incubi at the third. That third squad will pop a raider, but then will be charged by incubi the following turn. I think the key source of losses with this list will be going up against a list like that and going second.

That's the general idea anyway. I know, the book isn't released and I'm being that guy...but I've been playing friendly lists too long! And I finally have my dark eldar back...

Any thoughts on that list? Think I can tighten it up?

*whimpers* Dammit Lalo..... your making me want to play 40k again >< I picked up DE when they came out and still have them... I miss using my spiky tormentors.... *twitch*

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*whimpers* Dammit Lalo..... your making me want to play 40k again >< I picked up DE when they came out and still have them... I miss using my spiky tormentors.... *twitch*

If you still have them, there's not much reason NOT to. It's not like it's much of an investment.

But if you want a reason not to play, I can see almost no reason to run warriors as troops in this codex. Witches and wracks will pretty much always be better. I found that rather depressing, but at least they will make a lot of lists as elite with the kabalite trueborn.

Not my lists, mind you. Incubi with feel no pain for the win. But a lot of lists.

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If you still have them, there's not much reason NOT to. It's not like it's much of an investment.

But if you want a reason not to play, I can see almost no reason to run warriors as troops in this codex. Witches and wracks will pretty much always be better. I found that rather depressing, but at least they will make a lot of lists as elite with the kabalite trueborn.

Not my lists, mind you. Incubi with feel no pain for the win. But a lot of lists.

Well the big reason I have not to play is 40k is dead in my area. Their over-simplification of the game + their insane prices on models has pretty much made it go up in smoke in favor of Warmachine, Malifaux, Infinity, and dare I say it... Uncharted Seas.

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Well the big reason I have not to play is 40k is dead in my area. Their over-simplification of the game + their insane prices on models has pretty much made it go up in smoke in favor of Warmachine, Malifaux, Infinity, and dare I say it... Uncharted Seas.

That's weird.

I don't think I've ever been to a store that actively played miniatures games where 40k is dead.

40k definitely has its problems, but I don't think I'll ever give it up. Plus I'm at the point where, every time I want a new army, I just sell an old one and pick up what I need. So the prices don't bother me so much. It's the circle of...plastic?

It's the opposite in my area. The skirmish level games are on life support. We only have 3-4 people for Malifaux and I generally have to bug them to get an event going. One or two (Grim on here being one) would show up regularly but our schedules never match up. I only get to play so much because my brother is my roommate and I buy him models. I think we have two warmachine players and I've never seen a game of infinity or uncharted seas played that didn't involve me.

Malifaux actually isn't so bad off. We probably have 20-30 people who are interested, but just need that extra push to play. I really want to do a big Malifaux event and get a league going, but the store went and scheduled role playing on the only night of the week I have free. Two jobs plus school do not make teaching games easy.

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It's the opposite in my area. The skirmish level games are on life support. We only have 3-4 people for Malifaux and I generally have to bug them to get an event going. One or two (Grim on here being one) would show up regularly but our schedules never match up. I only get to play so much because my brother is my roommate and I buy him models. I think we have two warmachine players and I've never seen a game of infinity or uncharted seas played that didn't involve me.

Yes, please, want to buy regular Malifaux night. OTherwise, Lalochezia is going to sucker me into 40k!!! (damn blood angels!)

Malifaux actually isn't so bad off. We probably have 20-30 people who are interested, but just need that extra push to play. I really want to do a big Malifaux event and get a league going, but the store went and scheduled role playing on the only night of the week I have free.

LGS support is necessary for a game to flourish I think... that and sweet swag for tournaments to encourage players to get out of their beds before noon on weekends hehe

Edited by Grim
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Yes, please, want to buy regular Malifaux night. OTherwise, Lalochezia is going to sucker me into 40k!!! (damn blood angels!)

LGS support is necessary for a game to flourish I think... that and sweet swag for tournaments to encourage players to get out of their beds before noon on weekends hehe

Space vampires are for pretty boys and commies!

There, no suckering here.

Yeah, both of those things would be nice to have...

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