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Some love for the UK please Wyrd...


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The whole uk scene is starting to take off in a big way, we have a tournament in Leeds in October thats getting alot of interest because of the lack of events atm.

Then there is the malifaux event in November that already has double the confirmed players of their last hordes/wm event.

I think once Eric perfects his cloning experiment and has time to get us a tournament rule pack and tournament support kits LGS's can order it will take off even further.

Maybe if we build up enough interest we can poach Eric and/or Nathan over to Salute.

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I ran a tourny on bankholiday sunday of all days and it still got 10 people turn up...

last night at the club we had 4 tables of malifaux running and at least 2 of those tables played twice.

also got 2 days of demos at colours in a fortnight which will be great.

I'm just putting the finishing touches on a tournement i have planned for late october / november, which if the people i have spoke to is anything to go by we will have atleast 25 people going.

rock on :)

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