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New Reviews at The Screaming Alpha

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If it's Friday it must be time for new Screaming Alpha reviews, so here we go:

Zombie Mob 002 by Studio Miniatures

Last month I reviewed the first zombie mob from UK newcomer Studio Miniatures and pretty much gushed over them, thus imperiling my rep as a tough-as-nails no-mercy critic. Well, it's time to do it again with a review of their sister set, Zombie Mob 002. Do the new kids on the block measure up to their top-rated siblings? How will the zed in the chicken suit affect the final verdict? Check out the new lavishly illustrated review for the answer. Also included is coverage of Studio's special bonus mini that looks an awful lot like George Romero...


Stone Bridge by Armorcast

Everybody needs some nice terrain to dress up a battlefield, and while cut-up felt can do in a pinch, there's nothing like a fancy resin piece or two to make things more interesting. My newest review takes a look at a very nice stone bridge produced by respected US resin makers Armorcast. Suitable for just about any battlefield from the Fantasy Era onwards, it paints up quickly and makes a worthwhile addition to almost any terrain collection. Follow the link for more info and painted photos.


Adding Heft to 25mm Bases

At one time or another everybody's had to struggle with a top-heavy mini that just keep falling over again and again. Usually it's a big metal mini in a dynamic pose mounted on a lightweight plastic slottabase. The best way to fix the problem is to add weight to the base, but just what's the best way to do that without adding unwanted height or messing with the aesthetic of your painstakingly-based minis? Check out this tutorial for a comparison of several methods and a photo-illustrated guide to solving the problem quickly and easily.


A Memento of Battle

Neither review nor tutorial, the rediscovery of an old Warhammer 40k trophy prompts an essay looking back on my colorful, intense, but somewhat shameful past as a GW fanatic.


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