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[Wanted] - Painting Clear/Glass Items

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A few days ago I was reading a tutorial on painting and at the end was a few shots of models holding gorgeously painted completely clear weapons - I get that it is a follow through on the transparency technique but I was blown away. And now I can't find it no mater how much Googling or CMON article searching I do - as the article wasn't about painting completely clear stuff....grrrrr

Has anyone seen it, know of a tut, or wish to share their ideas? They were indeed painted to emulate glass - not cast in resin or any other technique as the person talks about it working best if used to show through part of the figure underneath. I will keep looking but I'd love to hear from anyone who has seen it/done it...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Nope Tracy, that article has the same two minis in Queeny's post.

Actually, I'm particularily stubborn and went throught EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE at CMON. Every category, every subject, and that one was the only one that comes close to her description. And she already eliminated it. So it wasn't a CMON article.

@ Wolfdreamer - what other sites do you frequent that has an article section?

Also, Anders, I didn't see any articles about Better Painting Through Brushlicking, so you better get on writing that so you can convert more people to your unholy affliction.


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Hm... is there anything else you can give us? Do you remember the topic of the main article, the name or brand of any of the pictured miniatures, any specific terms the author used? My search fu isn't bad, but I don't think there's enough to go on here. :-<

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Okay here goes trying to remember - very bad memory - hence why I can't find it....:embarasse

I was searching for advanced painting techniques possibly blending, wet blending, layering, feathering, underpainting or such - the article I found was not on clear stuff until the very end but the title had nothing to do with it.

The figure looked like it was possibly GW - woman with big hair - (not the elf lady one) - the site background was black or maybe it was the photo backgrounds - there were two pictures on the last page of the tutorial - and I think they talked about an ice weapon. The sword in question was not a straight blade - more slightly curved with a little hooky bit halfway up I think. (Like the one Saxon Angel did perhaps as it showed the same type of posture and leg behind it...maybe it was a dark elf with as well?)

The thing was how clear the sword was - and no amount of searching has found it for me - odd - I knew I should have bookmarked it. :censored:

The hunt continues.....

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