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Returning to the fold after a long absence


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Hi, so as the title suggests I've not played in a while, roughly since 2020 and am coming back to the game with a view of potentially trying my hand at tourneys next year (to give me a chance to get up to date and upskilled).

Any advice on what Strats and schemes we do well at in 3E and masters/keywords to avoid? Off the top of my head I'm dead set on Sonnia as she has been my go to since the beginning of second and I think I could get my relatively fast. Other options I'm thinking Master wise are Lady J (as she was my first master and again seemed straightforward enough and offered a more CC oriented master), Basse (as he has some board control shenanigans that could make me play more into schemes as opposed to just killing stuff) and Lucius (though he's a massive outlier based on perceived complexity).


Thanks in advance :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

You've probably already heard by now that we're soon approaching the release of GG4. The current GG rules favor positioning/killing over scheming. I think there are only two schemes that involve dropping scheme markers without the need for specific enemy/friendly positioning. 

As for Master, have you looked into the Titled Masters that came out in Madness of Malifaux? They do a lot to change up how specific keywords play. Perdita Neverborn Hunter, for example, can now summon Pistoleros and hand out upgrades making Family much more flexible. Lady Justice Death-Touched lets her crew Bury models with better consistency. It's hard to score when you're not even on the table! I don't know much about Sonnia, to be honest since I don't play her and have never seen her on the table. Lucius seems underwhelming, even when mastered, and I hear nothing but complaints about both of his versions. I've heard that Basse Badlands Sheriff is much better than the original version in this current GG, but haven't seen him in action.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, still watching for GG4 assuming it won't be too long till it comes about, but I'm glad to get some practice in GG3 until then :).


I have seen the titled masters and am looking to try Sonnia2 out after a few more games. I have a solid idea of how Witch Hunters/Witchlings work and am 'comfortable' with them going forward, I think the Pyre Markers will help a bit as give Sonnia's squishiness and struggle to get out of Melee (saying that in my last game I went from being an AP from death (4 health after getting a Suprise War Pig launched round a flank) to having healed from her Sword and Scorched said pig into a Thrall), but I'll get a few more games with her under my belt before properly exploring Sonnia2.


I'm liking the look of Lucius2, while I get he might not be the best he seems to offer a more melee centric master with a little more to him. Alternatively I'd possibly pivot onto Justice as a second Master (hearing 2 is better than 1, but need same table time to wrap my head around them). I also recently picked up Tull2 from my Bayou friend, so he's another option to look at, though GG4 may shape who my second is going forward as Sonnia is going to be my primary in one form or the other unless she lacks any solid answers to GG4 pools.

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