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Hot Off The Presses!


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News travels quickly in Malifaux, especially news that the powerful want to be heard. But with so many Divergent storylines, which Path is the correct one? The one told by the last one standing.

"Hot Off The Presses!"
Malifaux Story Encounter
Saturday, October 8th

This is a Divergent Paths event. In lieu of the standard Gaining Grounds strategies, we will be using the Story Encounters from the Divergent Paths event.

Factions are not fixed for this. Play whatever you want each game!
Registration: 10am
Start: 11am
Rounds: 2 hours
Entry: FREE!
Painting Requirement: You must play 1 game with a painted crew to satisfy the painting requirement (see Gaining Grounds). You may play with unpainted models, but you will not be eligible for prizes. Except Guilders, everybody gets Guilders!
Proxies: Proxies are allowed for unreleased models.

Each Round will feature one of the three Story Encounters. Round 1 will be the Self-Righteous Man, Round 2 the Trickster, and Round 3 the Inquisitive Child. The Story Encounters will be printed out for your convenience, and they are also found here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/divergent-paths-encounters

Round 1
Strategy: Rampage
Deployment: Flank
Schemes: Convict Labor, Take Prisoner, Show of Force, Search the Ruins, Mark for Death

Round 2
Strategy: Corpse Hunt
Deployment: Corner
Schemes: Convict Labor, Hunting Party, Exhaust Their Forces, Frame for Murder, A Quick Murder

Round 3
Strategy: Gathering Scraps
Deployment: Standard
Schemes: Convict Labor, Show of Force, Leave Your Mark, Covert Breakthrough, Inspection

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