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Battle Report: Perdita vs Lady Justice

Rurouni Benshin

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HI all,

Been awhile since I posted a Battle Report, and since I took the liberty of taking photos of the game I played, thought I'd share them along with the BR, and some comments and thoughts for it.  All photos were taken at the end of each turn.

Strategy: Turf War
Deployment: Standard
Scheme Pool: Line in the Sand, Distract, Assassinate, Plant Explosives, Spring the Trap
My Schemes: Assassinate and Plant Explosives
His Schemes: Distract and Assassinate

My Crew:
Perdita Ortega (Cache: 7)
- Trick Shooting
- Aura Ancestral
- Dampening Field
Enslaved Nephilim
Francisco Ortega
- Wade In
Santiago Ortega
- Hair Trigger
Papa Loco
Brutal Emissary
Brutal Effigy

His Crew:
Lady Justice (Cache: 7)
- Implacable
The Judge
Brutal Effigy

Turn 1:  We both deployed our forces roughly in the center of our deployment zones as close to the Turf War marker as we could.  Papa Loco starts by giving "Hold This" to Perdita, and hanging out behind the Emissary.  Francisco is next to act, and gives "El Mayor" to Perdita, and moves up behind some cover in the middle of the board.  The Emissary boxes Papa, and moves up as well.  Enslaved Nephilim "Shackled" Santiago and Perdita towards Francisco.  He moves his Executioners and Hunters up towards the middle, heading towards cover as well.  One of his Hunters takes a pot shot at Francisco, but misses due to the cover.  Both of our Effigy's use "Fear Not the Sword" on our respective Leaders, and move up towards the middle.  Perdita relocates towards Francisco, walks once, and then charges the Hunter that shot at Francisco, after using "True Mark", and kills it on 2 attacks.  The Judge then moves and pulls Lady Justice within LOS of Perdita, who eventually charges in, but misses on all 3 attacks, thanks largely to "El Mayor".  Santiago moves closer towards the middle, and shoots at his Effigy, triggering "Trigger Happy".  Fortunately I was able to cheat up to severe damage on the first shot to bring it down to 1 Wd, and then managed to kill it on the "Trigger Happy" attack.


Turn 2:  Lady Justice starts by swinging at Perdita, and manages to clip her once for 3 Wds, after some damage reduction from soulstones.  My Effigy then gives her "Fear Not the Sword" and goes off to the far right.  He then moves The Judge just opposite of Perdita, to keep her from relocating.  Perdita then goes, but only manages 1 hit on Lady Justice, and takes a couple of hits from her "Riposte".  His first Executioner walks up towards the center and camps there.  The Enslaved Nephilim then walks and "Shackled" the Emissary towards Francisco.  His other Executioner then charges the Emissary, and deals 3 Wds to it.  Francisco gives "El Mayor" to Santiago and charges the Executioner that charged earlier, knocking off 6 Wds.  His last Hunter walks up closer and just camps on the middle, since he doesn't want to risk shooting into melee.  Santiago walks off slightly to the right to take a pot shot at Lady Justice, but misses.  The Emissary then finishes off the Executioner that charged him, and releases Papa Loco from his box.  Papa Loco then gives "Hold This" to the Emissary, and shoots the Hunter with his "Throw Dynamite".  Flipped severe damage, and managed to clip the other Executioner within the 2 blast markers.  Score after Turn 2 is 1-1.


Turn 3:  Lady Justice kills Perdita on 2 attacks, moves up to engage Santiago, and heals herself back up to full Wds.  Emissary shoots at Lady Justice with "Rule of Law" twice and manages to damage her for 10 Wds (with help of RJ on damage flip) after soulstone reduction.  I then "Companion" Francisco, give "El Mayor" to the Emissary, who then charges Lady Justice, and kills her on 2 attacks, after spending 2 soulstones to add additional Rams to my attacks.  The Judge then charges Santiago, and brings him down to 3 Wds.  Papa Loco gives "Hold This" to the Emissary again, walks up slightly, and drops a Scheme Marker between the remaining Hunter and Executioner.  His Executioner flails at my Emissary, thanks in part to "El Mayor".  My Effigy drops a Scheme Marker right by The Judge, then moves a little closer to the middle of the board.  His Hunter moves up to engage Papa Loco to interact with him for Distract.  Finally, the Enslaved Nephilim moves up twice, and Santiago manages to disengage from The Judge, moving towards the middle.  Score after Turn 3 is 7-4 my favor, since we both accomplished Assassinate, and I accomplished "Plant Explosives".


Turn 4: His Executioner leads off and interacts with the Emissary for Distract.  My Emissary then goes, and attacks the Executioner with "Rule of Law", triggering "Never Bluff a Six Gun" to take the attack on the Hunter after damaging it for 4 Wds.  I kill the Hunter on the triggered attack, and then kill the last Executioner on the next attack.  Lastly, I use his "Tyranny Lights the Way" (0) action to let 2 other models activate.  Papa Loco shakes off the Distract, now that he's no longer engaged, and Santiago "Rapid Fires" into The Judge.  Triggers "Trigger Happy" on first shot for 5 damage combined on the two attacks.  Hits on the second attack, and I flip RJ on the damage, triggering Hard to Kill.  At this point, we call the game since it's pretty likely The Judge isn't going to live long between 4 more potential attacks from Santiago and Francisco.  Final score ended up at 10-5, since I had Turf War for all 4 turns to his 2, and since he didn't manage to get any for Distract.


My thoughts:  For my first game with the Brutal Emissary, it worked out as best as I could hope.  Being surrounded by models that I could trigger off onto helped a ton, since I could've in theory, taken a shot at each model within 4".  His "Tyranny Lights the Way" couldn't have come at a better time, allowing Papa Loco and Santiago to go first before him getting activate anyone else.  Francisco proves, yet again, how powerful "El Mayor" really is.  I made one tactical error, in not having Perdita relocate sooner when I could have "Accompliced" her with the Brutal Effigy.  It would've forced Lady Justice to charge a second time, and thus negating her positive damage flips.  Otherwise, the game went as well as I could've probably planned for. 

Thanks for reading, everyone!

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Perdita then goes, but only manages 1 hit on Lady Justice, and takes a couple of hits from her "Riposte".

Perdita's close attack is still Sh, so Riposte shouldn't work on her.

Otherwise, the Emissary looks like MVP. And this is the most work I've seen a Papa Loco do in a game ever.

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Perdita then goes, but only manages 1 hit on Lady Justice, and takes a couple of hits from her "Riposte".

Perdita's close attack is still Sh, so Riposte shouldn't work on her.

Otherwise, the Emissary looks like MVP. And this is the most work I've seen a Papa Loco do in a game ever.

Wow, I totally missed that.  Thanks for the tip!  I'm normally not a fan of Papa Loco since he's pretty fragile.  I was pretty lucky with him the one time he attacked though (flipped Severe twice on a :-fate to wound).  Since we were playing Turf War, I figured it wouldn't be hard to get him close to a bunch of enemy models.  And yeah, the Emissary is pretty badass with that damage spread and the auto suit for "Never Bluff a Six-Gun".

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Excellent battle report, thank you for sharing it.

How do you find Santiago?  I always have trouble getting any value out of Trigger Happy because he has to focus to shoot victims in cover and so any additional shots are at a negative flip.

I felt it was probably a mistake sending Lady Justice directly after Perdita.  Possibly she would have been more effective targetting other members of your crew (ideally Francisco); Perdita at Df 9 is a big ask for anyone to attack directly.

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