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Healthy Henching: gamifying health using Malifaux


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So, here's an idea I've been mulling over that I think could be fun: gamifying Malifaux for the purpose of health.

The game is a modified Henchman Hardcore. You start out with crap resources, then as you exercise throughout the week, you get better ones. The more you workout, the more you bend the rules.

The workout:
Pick three exercises to do in a given workout. Increase the number by the number of enforcers you have in your crew. You do these exercises for a number of cycles equal to the henchmans cache, at a number of reps equal to their total cost (Trixie with her gun would be 3 exercises at 5 cycles of 9 reps).

Now, food. Eating right is as important as exercise and it gives you the ability to have the exact energy you need. Players start out with a 0-sized hand of cards, they set a healthy food goal and each day they stick to it, they get +1 hand size.

Edited by Brewmaster
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Interisting Idea actually! I am a big fan of gamification. But I think your rule set is to snowbally. If I eat healty 30 days...

Could be interesting in the right gaming group with the right play frequency and adapted rules. Maybe some logarithmic power curve or at least below linear.

Edited by Finwe8
Forgot a word... -.- XD
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Right, posting the updated rules that were erased by the Nothing:


play every 7 days, set goals at the beginning.

you have two schemes you're trying to complete: an exercise and a food scheme. Each player builds like they're playing Henchman Hardcore, and starts out at 0 hand size and 0 stones. Each day you complete the food scheme, +1 hand size, each day you complete the exercise scheme, +1 stone (Max 4).

your exercise goal is 3 exercises that challenge you. One exercise gains reactivate for each enforcer in your crew. You must activate each exercise for a number of turns equal to the Hench cache and a number of reps each equal to the total cost of the hench (3 turns of 10 is the minimum Nekima players).

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