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Gaining Grounds League at Lords of War Games and Hobbies


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Lords of War Games and Hobbies (Oakville, Ontario, Canada) will be hosting our Gaining Grounds league for the summer which will also include Hobby Nights and a Painting Contest. 

This league will prep for the Lords of War Tournament Malifaux Sunday hosted by yours truly on August 16th (more details on that) and is geared towards helping people build up their 100SS pool for that event. 

The goal will be everyone has their 100SS painted by League end. You may participate if your crews are already all painted, but the additional fun of Hobby Nights and the Painting Contest ask that you begin with one unpainted crew box worth of figures to participate in those (available of course from Chris and Jay at Lords of War). 

You will have 100SS worth of figures to participate in the League with with the following notes;

- You may include up to three Masters from the same Faction at no cost. 
- Any duplcations of models must be accounted for by cost (ie. Two Depleted in your pool allows you to field two, cost 8SS overall). 

- You may freely summon any model included in your Pool during games and may summon more than you have in your pool. You may not summon models you did not include in the pool. 
- All Upgrades you wish to use in the league must be paid for and included in your pool. 


Simply post your League Lists to the Facebook Event if you wish to participate!



Best of luck to all!


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   Wish I lived a little closer,  will you be doing many more hobby nights throughout the summer?  I will be staying in Toronto for a few weeks starting around July 10th and would love to come in and well, just enjoy the hobby, possibly get a little schooling on painting/playing/force composition... (a lot of the stuff posted on the Lords of War facebook page/Ash's battle reports is quite nice!) As I am very new to Malifaux I am looking for any interaction I can get to try and soak up all I can as I am super excited about it and would love to participate in any way possible. The setting and ambiance of the Malifaux world really gets my gears turning. Wish I could commit to a weekly thing, but that would just be impossible for me as the drive is a bit long from where I usually reside.  For the three weeks I will be staying near the Lake Shore/Gardener, hoping to find something to inspire me, and have some fun!


   Hope you may have some suggestions, or if there are planned hobby night I could attend would be great to know about them.


   Thanks, take care,



  (played my first few games with Ash close to 20 years ago now I think, when he worked at the GW store in the Eaton Center, man he loved his sisters of battle back then hehe, first guy to sell me a miniature! Hooked ever since lol thanks a lot!)

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Wow! 20 years ago! Gaming really is a small world! :D

Even if you can't make a scheduled Hobby Night, Chris and Jay at Lords of War have an EXCELLENT Malifaux community and are both just fantastic painters and gamers themselves. They have a dedicated hobby area where you can head over, set up and work on minis while you're in town, as well as play learning games with either of them. So whether our schedules work out or not you'll have a happy gaming home over at LOW. 

They're just down the Gardiner from you about 20 minutes towards Niagara, get off at Dorval/Kerr and head south about two minutes. Parking is in the back. Message me here or on my Facebook page closer to the date and we can hopefully set up a game! I'm happy to come out and Demo you / Hobby, whatever! :D

Oh, and if you're in town the 16th of August, you've got the most fun Malifaux Event of the summer you get to attend, hosted by yours truly! :D



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