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Ototo vs Lazarus for Misaki


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Played two games in a row as Misaki:


Game 1:

Misaki (10T) vs Seamus (Res)


Squater's Rights

Misaki schemes:      Make them Suffer and bodygaurd(Ototo)

Seamus schemes:   Kill Protagee(Ototo) and set trap or something to do with a scheme marker.

all unrevealed.


i just did her box crew

Seamus took 2 belles, Cybell, 1 Nurse, 1 Flesh Construct


also it should be noted that we had a Ancient Monument (+2 Ca to any model within 2") that i placed near me.


Basically I expect Ototo to be a very durable heavy hitter, confident enough to give Bodyguard and charge in and claim a squat maker. But Seamus was there waiting with his big gun and silly hat. 6 damage 1st turn and hard to kill saved me the 2nd. I then run back to heal at my shrine because needing a 6 is better than an 8. Ototo spends a turn or two just healing. I got back up to 5 Wd so i still got enrage. My friend really wanting the VP for Ototo he bring his flesh construct in just in time for me to strike and kill the flesh construct with Ototo. One classic Malifaux turn for the worst and Seamus' big gun was back with his stupid hat and got me down to 1 when i was slapped by a belle and died.


Game 2:

Misaki(Out) vs McMourning (Res)


Turf War

Misaki schemes:                Assassinate and Break Through

McMourning schemes:      Distract and set trap or something to do with a scheme marker.

all unrevealed.


I went outcast taking Shang, Lazarus, 3 Torakaga, 2 void wretchling

McMourning took Yippy Totem, Sabastine, 1 Nurse, 1 Flesh Construct, and 1 Belle, he focused on summoning it was brutal.


So i don't care what you say "Scramble" (+1Wk/+1Cg,cost 2SS) is the best general upgrade Lazarus took it and Misaki. It gave Lazarus the speed boost to keep up with the action (the only thing i was kinda worried with him) and Misaki, whom i love, got a 6 Wk and a 9 Cg! with diving strike and next target... lets just say Break Through.


So not only did Lazarus also kill the Flesh construct single handedly he did it at a distance and also hit Mcmourning with a blast. He also never once went under 9 Wd (out of 10). His Heal flip doesn't have a Cast required. The whole idea behind the enrage champs like Ototo and SRM look great on paper but the high Wds and hard to kill just don't give you the same sustain as Armor. But i save the best for last, last turn Lazarus kills the ratdog but also a nurse and a belle with 2 Ml attacks at moderate with them both flip/cheating a ram. Lazarus is everything i want Ototo to be but better. Same SS cost, and even though i lost out on a upgrade slot by taking an enforcer instead of a henchman was worth it to get Scramble.



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First off, I'm not sure what this is doing in general discussion. Wouldn't it be more appropriate in the Outcasts or Ten Thunders discussion forums?


Secondly, you're drawing a little bit of a false conclusion from two different games. Seamus is designed to be able to get to a single model and blow it up. All things considered, Ototo absorbed Seamus' gun for three turns, which means he saved three minions from getting killed in one shot. Even though he didn't kill a lot of stuff, he paid for himself by absorbing bullets. Ototo is tough, but he certainly isn't invincible. Did you have him using the Defensive Stance action? I can guarantee that judicious use of defensive stance will keep a heavy hitter alive for at least one turn after they would normally have died. An extra negative twist on damage is serious business. Also, did Ototo use any soulstones to help defend himself? That is the main benefit of being a henchman, along with the second upgrade slot. If you didn't have the extra stones hanging around for damage prevention flips, then you are right, Ototo might have been a bad choice for that game.


In the second game you played there was absolutely no reason for the enemy to try and kill Lazarus. Unlike the first game, there isn't a six-point swing based on weather he lives or dies, and as a primarily ranged model, he could engage the enemy from a safe distance. You can bet, if Lazarus had a Bodyguard/Assasinate combo on him, McMourning would have found a way to kill him. Play more games and you'll see that Lazarus, although a tough customer, isn't invincible. Anything that ignores armor, of which there is quite a lot in the game, will chunk him pretty good, not to mention Relic Hammers, the Foundry crew, etc.


Laugh Off is also a pretty big deal. Even if they can't kill your heavy hitter, you can bet that the standard-issue Rotten Belle will be available to Lure it away from claim markers and the like. Ototo doesn't care about this, Lazarus certainly does.

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