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Posts posted by Roux-ga-roux

  1. So I noticed that all of the Summoning Masters have an ability that is basically something along the lines of..."name any number of _____________ minion(s). The TN of this Action is 10(R/M/T/C) plus the total Cost of the named model(s).

    So let's say I'm playing with Sandeep and I want to Summon an Ice Gamin(4). Does that mean I need 10T + 4 to summon one Ice Gamin? I mean, a King is 13 but an Ice Gamin's Summon cost is 14, right? Sooo...how do I summon one? Can I summon one? Does that mean a Summoner can typically only Summon one minion per turn? Am I missing or overlooking something obvious? 

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

  2. I'm interesting in playing Malifaux (obviously) and am trying to decide on my first Master, and eventually, faction. But I need some help from the community since it's a lot of information to digest for a newb.

    So basically, my favorite playstyle is to proactively deny players the ability to do anything productive. A lot of control style players typically wait for their opponent to do something and then respond by countering with an ability that makes it difficult for their opponent to successfully complete whatever task or goal they were attempting to accomplish by hindering them in some way.

    I tend to prefer a more aggressive approach that nullifies opponent's abilities or denies them whatever resources needed that allows them to use their abilities in the first place. A good analogy would be to disable a car's engine before the owner even has the opportunity to turn the key.

    Ideally, when it's my opponent's turn to decide what to do, they'll simply be left with no (or very few) viable options as they will be denied any chance beforehand to do so.

    So is there any Master that fits that profile? Are there any factions that excel at those tactics that are worth looking at? Any help would be sincerely and greatly appreciated. And if you've read this far, thank you so much for your time and patience.

    See you guys on the other side!

  3. Title pretty much sums it up. Looking to get into the hobby and have found a local group where no one really plays Resurrectionists (with the exception of this one Neverborn guy who occasionally moonlights with Molly), so I thought I'd give them a whirl. Since this will be my first attempt, I'd prefer to avoid any Masters who may have intricate or complex mechanics. I figure someone simple and direct would likely be my best bet while I'm still getting acclimated.  So any recommendations or suggestions would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

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