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Nathan Edwards

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Posts posted by Nathan Edwards

  1. Awesome, thank you!

    So does this also mean, in a case where candy is not using her trigger, Misery goes off during the action? Like in this example:

    • Candy targets Scales of justice with Glimpse
    • Candy succeeds in the duel with no trigger, and Scales gets the suit for Balance the Scales and declares it
    • Scales is stunned, and immediately Misery goes off. She chooses to ping him for one damage 
    • Scales checks for damage dealt, and since he took one damage during the action, pings Candy for one

    Is this right? Seems like it is but just being extra sure!

  2. So, the timing for these kinds of abilities is pretty vague in the Rulebook. In the timing section, it says 'after' abilities are resolved after the effect that triggers them. This seems to imply it happens immediately, potentially in the middle of an action. When looking at Candy's glimpse of insanity bonus action, this seems to mean we can use Misery before the trigger goes off, potentially allowing her to place herself after moving the target 2 inches from misery.


    The other case is when she doesn't use the trigger, since the ability says 'after', but it was generated by an effect within this action, is the ability considered to be resolving during the action? Since the stun is the first and last effect, it could be interpreted that 'after' means after this action, as well, since after the effect is also after the action resolves. This can come into play with the balancing the scales trigger, which checks for damage at the end of the action. Although, it could also be that since Misery is generated after the trigger is declared, it happens afterwards anyway.


    I keep going in circles on this one, I'm really unclear when this ability should go off. I'm really hoping for some guidance. I posted this on the reddit as well, here's the link where I typed a lot more out and it may help explain what I'm thinking, if this post isn't clear:

    Sorry if this question has been answered before, I couldn't find it.

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