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Posts posted by Ghour

  1. Thanks for the answer!

    Is it worth it tho?  I see its worth early on (T1-2) but I don't see it as a worthy payment (freikorpsman + yannic is already 12 ss) for the whole game. I get seriously yanked by not getting it :) 

    Ofc getting to mold a great hand T1 is really beneficial but I usually save the good cards in my hand T1, with tools on the engi and siphon power on hannah both Arik, Hannah usually end T1 with 2xfocus and 6-8" up the board. And when the duels starts in T1 the good cards get depleted fast, and I usually don't afford to use activations for these kinds of actions.

    Perhaps I'm the problem and the yannic+VS combo doesn't fit my playstyle..



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  2. Hey,

    I recently started playing Von Shill, I have about 5-10 games with him and are doing fine. My go to list is roughly:

    Vs, trunk, Engineer, Librarian, Hannah, Arik and the HP Emissary.

    I’ve heard on a lot of podcasts/yt channels that Yannic is a must include in an Freikorp list and I don’t really understand how (the why is obviously the card draw).

    My main question is, where do you get all these scheme markers from? The Freikorp has a lot of card discard (everything from shouting orders, Kinetic Amplifier, Strengthen armor and so forth). And to be able to do a card draw instead of a discard would be amazing… if I had the scheme markers. The emissary can produce one “free” every turn with his weary road. But that’s about it..

    Are you using her Democratic elections and the mask trigger? Can someone please explain this to me 😊


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