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Posts posted by MortXII

  1. If two Explorer's Society models have the flush with cash upgrade and a third friendly model dies between both of their Insurance aura's to an enemy model. How many Soulstones is the controlling player meant to get?

    For reference the Insurance rule reads;



    Insurance: After another friendly model within :aura6 is killed by an enemy model, add a Soulstone to this Crew's Soulstone Pool.


    The group I'm playing with are unsure which way to rule it due to a few rule examples we've found;

    Pg 30 of the core says;


    Auras are not cumulative. If a model would be affected by multiple Auras of the same name (i.e., if  the Aura would change its game state in some way), then it is only affected by one such Aura of its controller’s choice.

    It then further goes onto elaborate below in the "In this Example" section;


    Example: Bushwhackers have the Scamper Ability,which reads: “After an enemy model within :aura6 Cheats Fate, this model may Push up to 2" in any direction after resolving the current Action or Ability.”

    If an enemy model Cheats Fate within 6" and LoS of multiple Bushwhackers, each such Bushwhacker could Push up to 2", as they are the models affected by the Aura (i.e., the models experiencing a change in their game state).

    I think the answer lies in figuring out who is the affected model for how many stones should be generated? The current theories being either;

    A: The Affected model is the model that is killed between the two aura's. Since Aura's do not stack one soulstone is obtained.

     - The main argument against this being, that the model that has been killed is the trigger for the Aura's effect and not the model experiencing a change in game state (As it has already experienced it's game state of being killed). Similar to the bushwacker example above. (The killed model being similar the model who cheated fate in the bushwacker example, not the bushwackers)

    B: The Affected Model, is the model that has the Insurance aura. As such the model that has been killed changes the state of both models with the Insurance aura. Two soulstones are obtained.

    - The counter argument for this being that Insurance does not state anything like "This Model", instead referencing "this Crew's Soulstone pool". So the only model we can determine to be affected by the aura is the model that has been killed.

    I couldn't find any other similarly worded Aura's that could help resolve this sadly.
    Thanks in advance!

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