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Posts posted by MarshallT

  1. Long time ressers play and I've dipped into ten thunders as I'm sick of summoning.

    I've given Youko a go. My friend usually plays outcasts or greminlins.

    Last two games I've had were close losses. I was at fault for the 2nd with bad strategy. 

    My basic list is

    Youko 1









    I wasn't that impressed with the kunoichi.

    Kabuki are hood but I'm not sure where they sit, can they scheme run?

    Samurai was a decent backfield defender .

    Youko is OK but a steep learning curve. Is the best way of keeping her Alice to stack soul stones?

    I don't like to hammer versitles but I'm tempted by kara and maybe a tanuki.

    Would a few terracotta warriora work? Just as targets for my opponet.

    Any thoughts appreciated



  2. Hello


    I've just started using Kirai after being a long time McMourning player. My initial thoughts are really positive. I'm liking being able to summon much easier without corpse markers.


    I've only played 1 games against a nasty von shill list. i managed a close win but i struggled to cause damage. Goryo's were excellent as was Datsu Ba. Jaakuna didn't do a great do nor did lost love.


    To answers your questions


    1) I like the easier summoning. I'm used to having to work with McMourining to summon 1 flesh construct every few turns. I felt like i had more options with Kirai. Also I like the look and feel of the crew, the whole J-horror creepiness'.

    2) Key word wise I've struggled to properly pull of any of the adversary tricks yet. Datsu Ba's movement action was really good though. I'm finding the whole crew very mobile which is unlike ressers.

    3) Kirai is the soft core to the whole party. Def 4 is weak, her ability to gain 1 health from enemies activating is a bit of a trap. I think you want her out the way. summoning.

    4) I've played McMourning alot and wanted a new master. I play ressers and didn't want an entirely separate faction Von schtook seemed like too much of a crazy professor to be too different to Mc. I didn't like the look of the other so wen Kirai. Also as above i like the who J-Horror aspect 

    5) everyone rightly raves about Drowned. They're absolute units and can happily sit and soak up damage for a low cost. Gwisin get my vote for best urami. Cheap and all there abilities are great. Massively under costed and i wouldn't be surprised if they get toned down in the errata.




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