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Posts posted by Trithis2077

  1. So I was reading though the Puppeteer Advanced Pursuit in From Nightmares (Page 115) and had a question about the 'A New Player' talent.

    The talents specifies, "Puppeteers can create new Peon or Minion Doll subordinate characters with their Stitching Skill," and then goes on to explain how to create Peon, Minion, and Enforcer rank Dolls. The problem is that I don't see any talent that specifies that the Puppeteer can now create Enforcer rank dolls. The closest thing is 'Introducing…' Talent, but that is worded in a way that it sounds like you can only make Headliners out of existing subordinates (Headliners also aren't necessarily Enforcers). 

    Am I missing something in one of the other talents or did they tell us how to make Enforcers without actually ever giving us the ability to do so? (i.e. would we need to Homebrew when a Puppeteer can create Enforcers?)

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