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Posts posted by Brightfire

  1. Time limitation will be new for me, but I'm used to it in other game systems. I got one practice game in to make sure I was comfortable with the software before signing up, but I'm planning on at least one or two more before the event starts. I'm planning on bringing a new master to one of the rounds, so practice will be doubly important there.

  2. I find that Kirai works best staying in keyword. There's enough Adversary: Urami being tossed around that I want to maximize that value, and between her core of enforcers/henchman and her summons, I don't feel like I'm lacking anything tactically. I imagine Lord Cooper will be similar regarding Adversary: Apex, but versatiles for defense's sake might be necessary.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Do you usually missile her turn one, then?

    As you can still do this turn two onwards (assuming cards).

    I do, typically. Especially if the board has something big to hide behind on my way up the field, I'll tend to use the first few activations on Guide Spirit from Seishin and/or Datsue Ba to get Ikiryo up the board toward whatever the tastiest target with an evidence marker may be, typing up as many models in engagement as possible. She's enough of a pain for most crews to deal with, having Terrifying, Incorporeal and Vengeance, that she can just sit there taking up space while your opponent spends resources killing her or getting around her.

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  4. I'm pretty new to the game, so take this with a grain of salt, but as a primary Kirai player, I find the double Ikiryo activation (if she dies and is resummoned) so powerful that it's worth her being an obvious choice for an evidence token. Typically in Recover Evidence I have so much board control with summons that I can tie up whatever is near the strategy marker Ikiryo drops and keep them from picking it up.

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