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Posts posted by Paulo

  1. 23 hours ago, Nikodemus said:

    Thinking in terms of 3e keywords, Undying box is made up of a few different components:

    • TT Versatile/Last Blossom: Minako Rei + her summons
    • Res/(TT via Yan Lo) Retainer: Manos
    • Res Redchapel/Revenant: Mourners
    • Res Versatile: Grave Golem


    As you can see the Res part of the box is all over the place.  Admittedly Grave Golem is versatile and Manos is good enough to hire out of keyword.

    If you plan to stick to TT Yan Lo, the box has three useless models. Up to you to define what's "worth". I got lucky and found single Manos when I was starting Yan Lo. I'm waiting for a more TT customer friendly 3e box for Minako.

    Oh yeah I should probably mention that I've played 20-ish games with Misaki in 3e. Never proxied in Minako. On paper I can see how she'd be good. But honestly I haven't missed having her either. I will definitely grab her 3e box when it comes available but I'm not exactly hurting in the meanwhile.

    Thank you, I had my doubts and still have on whether to buy her but I'll probably wait till I have more experience. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Nikodemus said:

    Considering Manos' (only resser Yan Lo model out of the encounter box) 3e box is made entirely of resser Yan Lo models, I'd say there's decent odds that we'll get a box with Minako & her summons with no extra baggage. Nothing's been spoiled to that effect, so it's strictly idle musings on my part. But it seems highly likely we'll get a much more TT friendly box to buy her in in 3e.

    You've got Misaki's keyword fairly well covered already. You can build extremely functional lists with what you have already. Sure there's plenty versatiles and out-of-keyword models you might like to have for some variety or specific shenanigans, but you've got your bases covered. Just play some and see what you'd like.

    Biggest "needs" that strike me are counters to specific styles of crews. Tanuki are highly efficient condition removers. Last Blossom struggles with armour so Sidir Alchibal or Samurai would be welcome additions. Those spring to mind first. But unless your regular opponent is Hoffman or something, you can probably do without them for now.

    I don't know who my regular opponent will be, I am starting in the game and have signed up for the local league :-) Anyway, thank you for the advice and well, I can see that for a start I'm pretty well covered. 

    Since I brought up the Minako Rei issue and you responded, do you think that even in the actual state of the box it could be worthwhile to buy that provided I'm playing yanlo  in the future? In other words: are the resser models in the encounter boxset what minakorei is to misaki's crew?

    Thanks again Nikodemus.

  3. I´m on the same boat as OP here. I currently own the following: Misaki box set, yamaziko, thunder archers, katanaka snipers, tt brothers and crime bosses. My questions are the following: what type of list would you advise? Is minako essential (purchasing the encounter box is a bit of a drag for one/two models)? Anything I am lacking and should get my hands into?

    Thank you guys.

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