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Kardboard Wizard

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Posts posted by Kardboard Wizard

  1. 20 hours ago, Nikodemus said:


    Gremlin Faction book is a September release so no surprise on that front.

    Ulix being a July release really ought to be available now. Worth noting that when Wyrd says "July" they mean "late July". I ordered Marcus Core Box (also a July release) and only received it 19th of August. That's perfectly normal delay for my LGS. I don't know about yours.

    If I was you I'd contact the LGS and inquire about status of my order. Also make sure they understand that faction book won't be coming out for another month and some, just in case they're sitting on the Ulix order until they can get the book too.

    Every time I ask my LGS Im met with a shrug. They seem to not know when it's gonna be....

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