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Posts posted by Usjdkdb

  1. Thank you, I wasnt aware that write up existed. It was a pretty interesting read and definitly gave me things to think about. 

    I always thought the lasso was the bees knees on that card and sort of wrote perdition of as something that will only occasionaly happen. 

    Learning how good repositioning an Alice or a Mad Dog is in M2e, I simply jumped at that action first.

  2. So I've been always really fond of Parker, basically exclusivly playing him in M2e and trying him out in M3e, but the changes were a bit to drastic for my liking. Now with his title I wanna try him out again and reading him the action standing out to me on his card is his Lasso. 4" Push on anything in 10"? That seems pretty good, considering Parkers bread and butter in 2e was a 5" push. Granted that had an 18" range, but most of the time 10" would've been enough.

    I feel as though one can heavily lean into the execute Trigger on his action and continue that trend by adding Montresor and Rusty Alice for additional Executes. Than add in Pride for discards and maybe a Dead Outlaw to a) discard more and b) be able to use Montresors Obey. Im pretty sure you would want to play with 8-10 stones to hit all those executes, so that leaves over points for a scheme runner like the Midnight Stalker or another beater like Sue. It feels weird not to play Mad Dog, but I dont think he is necessary in the list at all.

    Monty also synergises with all the staggered on Parker and is a pretty decent tarpit anyway.

    The entire crew is super disruption heavy with displacements and discard actions. Coupled with the constant threat of execute you should be able to depleat most of your opponents recourses by the end of turn 2.

    What do you guys think? My meta agrees double masters are stupid, but replacing either Monty or Alice with Jack Daw would probably also work. Its also really pushing the theme if the 'damned bandit' which I really enjoy.

  3. On 2/22/2022 at 7:11 AM, Corwin Black said:

    I also like to play Austringer. Therefore, I would recommend looking at the Austera and Twigge. She also has higher damage on an attack that ignores everything, and she has more tactical options.


    From my point of view, good targets for Riding with me are Basse, Austera. The idea is actually to press the enemy hard with shooting. Our gang shouldn't spend Action Points on movement. We want you to force the enemy to come to us by shooting at his models already from the first activation of the first tourn. Keeping enemy models from close combat with shooters will be Worm, Traps, Bernadette and Austera.

    How do you score though? Like what schemes go with that strategy? 

    Cause I will often times try to get 3 points turn 2 and play a denial game afterwards, but I need speed to accomplish that so I can answer his threats appropriately. Austringers only do damage and very little else. I can see Austera, as she is a lot more versatile, but she also costs a stone more. I use my threat of Basse (1 or 2) and Reichhart to keep my opponent from approaching me. Why force him to come, its much easier to discourage him. Traps and Pathfinders also do a great for that.

  4. On 2/22/2022 at 12:44 AM, hydranixx said:

    I'm completely in awe how long that game took.

    Was your opponent playing a new crew, or what? 

    Nah, we were playing a friendly game and we purposefully started around 1pm. We had a lunch break and paused for a cigarette after each round. He took a while to figure out how to approach double negatives on his Leveticus attacks though and I took an equal time to figure out how I want to deal with his A&D and his deso engine. 

  5. I find Austringers to be hot garbage tbh. I already have enough models that can shoot with Basse, a single Pathfinder and a Roughrider. A mobil threat like the worm and Reichhart, which piggybacks with the rider is more valuable in my mind.

    I rather include Vernon and Welles as a Schemerunner than an Austringer. You need models that score, killing isnt enough in Malifaux, even in pools that lean towards such a strategy.

    Yesterday I ran:

    Basse2 + Totem









    I played vs Levi and he didnt get to kill a single model before turn 3, even then he only killed Bernadette. I abandonned the flank with the deso and Ashes and Dust and repositioned towards levi, who didnt attack into the V&W bubble + Concealing. Won 6 to 5 after a hard and long game (6 hours, 10 out of 11 points scored in turn 4 and 5)

    The attack from the Austringers that does 1/3/4 with Onslaught is nice, but not strong in my mind. I have enough gunline models with Basse2 and the Pathfinder that I prefer to have speed over damage in the rest of the Crew. I tried running 2 Austringers and was disappointed.

    In that minion list you have no good targets for ride with me or the Pathfinder pushes, as you basically start were you want to be anyway, loosing a lot of their potential power. 

    If you want to go minion heavy I would rather consider Frontiersmen, Roughriders and Pearl with Basse1 (so the dust clouds disappear and you heal a ton with survivalist). I think Pearl might be good in Basse1, in Basse2 she doesnt do a lot and I would have prefered to have a Frontiersman.

    • Agree 1
  6. Played it vs Molly today.

    List was:

    Basse Titel




    Rough Rider

    2x Pathfinder




    Did it work? Hell yea it did. We played Wedge Deployment and Break the Line. So I had 4 of the markers in his half by the end of turn 1. Protected the center two with the bubble of Lock Away and the others she couldnt reach. Molly had Assassinate, so I needed to go through all 8 Stones by the end of turn 2. Basse had only taken one damage. Turn 3 and 4 Molly couldnt find the LoS required to remove the Dust Cloud and Archie couldnt move at all. He was simply stuck there (Archie, a Frontiersman and one Objectivemarker blocked the LoS). Wanted Posters is amazing aswell, and came in clutch a few times. Frontiersman? I really underestimated what he could do, man they are good. 


    Eva herself? Denied Archie for 2 Turns, prevented Assassinate, I had Martyrs on her, she didnt even die and would've scored the second point of Research Mission aswell. Overall scored me at least 2 points and denied 2 aswell. Absolutly amazing if it works.

    • Like 1
  7. So guys, I am starting Ayna at the moment and am excited to get her on the table.

    I currently only own her starter, the ES starter and Corvis and his buddies are currently in shipping. I currently cant get my hands on the Outcast Starter, but will pick it up asap. I could buy Austera and the Emissary at my LGS tomorrow, but am unsure about the Emissary. I've played quite a bit of Basse and never felt like I needed something as chunky as the Emissary. Does Anya need the Emissary? I dont really like the model, so if it isnt necessary for her to work, I'd rather not pick it up.

    Anything I should keep in mind during my first game?

  8. Alright, I played it today and the matchup was, eh, lets call it unfortunate. I was facing the new Mei Feng and trying to shut down her movement, even slightly is basically impossible as she throws a scrap marker 8" without needing LOS.

    Eva herself played really well. The bubble did work and scored me at least 1 Point, she threatened to score 2 further points but my opponent was able to stop her.

    I will try to play this Crew a bit more bubbly next time to force my enemy into the bubble with my lures.

    Tl;dr: I lost, but the idea requires further testing and does remain promising

    • Like 1
  9. 22 minutes ago, theamazingmrg said:

    Charge Reichart in, dropping a Dust Cloud, then Eva gets to shoot the engaged model with a :+flip:+flip(Ungentlemanly Affairs coming into its own with the Friendly Fire and Concealing)), triggering Coordinated attack for an extra attack from Reicharts claws...

    I only wanted to use it for the Lock Away, but if there are even further synergies. Maybe it works. I'll try it 2moro and will report on it. That tactic probably works with the sandworm aswell.


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  10. So I've been thinking about this since the worm was released, but I think with the new Basse it might be even better. So basically you wanna hit "Lock Away" on a Dust Cloud which creates a 50mm+1" bubble of fuck-you-energy. If you go with an elite crew, to gain pass tokens so turn 2 initiative is in your favor you could potentially close down the entire centre of the board on the top of turn 2. 

    That is the idea anyway. Has anyone tried something like this before or has any good expieriences with Eva?

    The list I am currently thinking of is for "Corrupted Leylines", but I would like to reduce the amount of models by one further to be honest :

    Badlands Sheriff



    Sand Worm

    Eva Havenhand

    Pearl Musgrove

    Rough Rider



    Could this work? Pearl is there as a healer of sorts, while the heavy hitters want to control the center. Bernadette and the Roughrider are supposed to be my schemers for Lodestone.

    Looking forward to some inputs. Cheers in advance :D


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