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Posts posted by efrenciscus

  1. Hi! As the Ophelia core box is coming out now (including her, Francois, 3x Young Lacroix and 3x Raiders) as someone who bought her M2E box I find myself wondering how am I going to get these  Raider minis 🤔 Since there is the Copycat box too, containing all the Kin enforcers, it doesn't seem like they are going to release a Raider box. Does anybody know whether there will be the possibility for a special order? Buying the core box for those three guys, having all the other minis and cards seems like a waste to me. Are we condemned to proxy? Also I find tricky to get Sammy now, owning already the other copycats from the M2E crew box. What does people have in mind? Thanks!

    Cheers! 🙂

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