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Posts posted by Kotecou

  1. Yeah i thought so, I got to play a little bit with them and as i played i realized it wasn't as easy to put poison counters on enemys than i thought. whiskey golem successfully put 2 poison counters on 2models which was fun. 
    So poison counters say +2 on a model they take 1 damage and go to +1 poison counters. Or do they take 2 damage and go down to +1 poison counters
    From what you said it sounds like it does more damage at +4 and +7 is there a link to the beta rule book i can see? 

  2. So i see a couple people talk about brewmaster having this insane wp and df but i see 7 wp and 5 df. am i missing something? Also i had a question about how poison works, Does it do the effected stacks then -1 stack or does it do 1 damage than -1 stack?
    I guess it's from closing time from if the enemy has 2 poison stacks, But whats a decent way to get poison counters on someone enough to where the whole enemy team has them?

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