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Posts posted by Chesterthemany

  1. 2 hours ago, MisterWerks said:

    The new Halloween-themed Strategy that came out the other has me over-thinking, as usual.  It gives every model a Tactical Action that allows them to remove Strategy Markers.  Full text is here:  https://www.wyrd-games.net/s/M3E_CrushingCandy_Scenario.pdf

    What about models that are "ignored for Strategies and Schemes," like recently Summoned models and Insignificant models?  Is that to say they cannot use the Tactical Action that allows them to remove Strategy Markers?  I kinda think so, because that's the usual intent of Insignificant and the restrictions on Summoned models.

    Two of the Triggers on the Action cause damage to or Heal nearby models.  Would these models (Insignificant and recently Summoned) be immune from such effects since it's related to the Strategy?  On this I'm kinda thinking no (they would be affected), since it's a Trigger from a Tactical Action.  The Action affects the Marker, but the Trigger is an additional effect.

    I believe, that since they are Insignificant, they are ignored for the part of the Strategy that gives them the action.
    However, the effects of the action are from the model - so as long as a SIGNIFICANT model performs the action, I think they would get the heal (or damage).

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  2. 2 hours ago, Flib Jib said:

    So just to come full circle. Things like Laugh Off don't work to prevent movement from an Obey. Because the movement isn't technically from the Obey, its often from the action controlled by the Obay correct?


    Correct. Laugh Off prevents other models moving that model, but Obey forces that model to move itself. The only thing that stops Obey effects are things like Unyielding.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

    I'm not sure this aligns with the FAQ about Grave Goo. In this FAQ your interpretation would mean a different answer I think. In your interpretation, the Friendly models wouldn't consider it 'terrain' so shouldn't be affected, but the FAQ clearly says the opposite. The 'terrain' is there, regardless of who is affected by it.

    9. *Grave Goo – If the Grave Goo is within range of an Aura Terrain that only affects “enemy models,” such as Vent Steam, do models the Grave Goo considers an enemy treat the Aura Terrain as Hazardous from the Trail of Slime Ability? a) Yes. The Grave Goo is considered to be in base contact with the terrain, and enemy models will treat the Aura Terrain as Hazardous (Damage 1 and Poison +1), even though they are not affected by the normal Hazardous damage of Vent Steam

    I'm not opposed to her being able to target the Aura from the Kergan (it 'feels' like she should), but I want to be sure I'm playing it as others are. That's why I wanted to see what others had to say. 

    So the trick here is, it's an ENEMY'S vent steam that the GRAVE GOO is inside - ergo, he's counting it as terrain, and then spreading HIS aura to the terrain - making the enemies suddenly also count it as terrain.

  4. Yes, the auras count as terrain pieces. The only thing that might prevent her from TARGETING a terrain aura is if SHE counts it as terrain - for instance, some (like Field of Steel) say ENEMIES treat the aura as hazardous (or other things) - since she's not treating it as hazardous, that aura has no terrain traits to her, and thus, is not terrain. Other than that, if it has terrain traits, you target it all you want.

    Now, if an aura says friendly models IGNORE THE TERRAIN TRAITS, she can still target it. She's ignoring the traits, but she still sees it HAS them.

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