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Posts posted by ItsyBitsyFighter

  1. 44 minutes ago, TimH said:

    "Are building size objects problematic for game play?"  No, buildings can be fine, they can be used to make blocks of blocking terrain or potentially narrow chokepoints if you use a couple of buildings. Dont go too overboard though as you do need space on the board to place objectives and too much terrain (or too little terrain) will scue the advantage towards certain lists.

    "How important would multiple playable levels be?" You don't strictly speaking need them but at the same time you don't have to avoid them. What I would say though is that ideally any raised surface a model can occupy (a raised walkway, a flat rooftop) should ideally have a staircase or slope that allows non flying/teleporting models to reach them. (not 100% sure on that one)

    "should internal parts of buildings be playable?" I love this conceptually but in practice have never found it to work. It leads to games getting bogged down with trying to fit models inside of house only to find they are too tall, removing roofs and having to calculate where models are upstairs in relation... Also inevitably you get problems with 50mm base creatures needing to enter human sized doors.


    Personally I love the idea of the wild west town board, I have a few MDF assembled buildings in that vane, town gallows, market stools and rails that I use for my own faux board.

    Awesome! Thanks for the answers. Hopefully will get some of the buildings framed and ready soon.

  2. I have not played more then a demo game and that was a year ago. So to say I am new is an understatement. I love the idea of a smaller scale game with less models and more character!

    Malifaux certainly fits the bill! Now the thing that got me interested in this hobby originally was seeing pictures of tables covered in terrain. I have always wanted to make my own. I have dabbled with terrain in the past for D&d, but never a full table. 

    I have decided to bite the bullet and make a pledge here to get going on that goal. After looking around at the amazing selection of models that Wyrd peddles, I decided to go with Parker Barrows as my first crew. There is something captivating about a bunch of bandits facing a much more frightening foe like the undead or literal nightmares.

    With that I now had not only my crew selected but also the Setting. What is a cowboy without a fitting Wild West town? This will be the primary battleground I will use to hopefully lure others into tasting the Malifaux water with me.

    I have made some starter sketch’s of buildings I want to make.

    I do have a couple of questions for those more knowledgeable than myself:

    Are building size objects problematic for game play?

    How important would multiple playable levels be?

    should internal parts of buildings be playable?

    that is all at the moment. I am excited to start this project. If you have any ideas I would love to hear them!



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  3. 12 minutes ago, dzlier said:

    Tell me more, my wife and I are avid Battlebots fans!

    Battlebots is what got me into it. I currently only compete at the smaller weight classes like 3lb and 15lb. Nothing as crazy as the 250lbers you see on tv. I have a couple of bots currently but mostly focus on my cow themed bot with an undercutting blade: called "UdderCutter"

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  4. Hey everyone! I am Itsy, or Trevor.

    I I love the world of malifaux but anxiety keeps me away from playing. So right now I am a collector more than anything.

    I love making and doing things so my list of hobbies is quite long. Currently I am enjoying painting, building combat robots, leather craft, woodworking, 3d printing, cross stitching , working with clay , and building terrain among others. 
    Now that I have done the hard bit of introducing myself, excuse me while I creep back into the shadows and admire the forum from a safe distance.



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