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Posts posted by QTpierogi

  1. In rezzers you still can protect guilty with model, which have take the hit(even if it can't give it's token to guilty). It wouldn't be impossible for opponent to score strategy points, but at least you can delay them scoring to prevent scoring all 4 points. Or try to hide guilty with coffin markers(which takes 10ss for emissary, who isn't that strong in tormented since hanged isn't undead)

  2. New darker colours for factions looks very confusing, escpecially for Outcasts and Ten Thunders, which looks like more brown-ish tones of their respected faction colour. And they are even harder to distinguish from Bayou in some icons and boxes with multicolours(double-faction masters or games). I think it could be good to find another tones or at least go back to previous palette before finding new solution to this.

    • Agree 2
  3. I think Jack finally comes back to the game as this season looks more favourable for him, than GG2. 3/4 of new strategies favours him as they either focus on controlling the center or killing things(also you can put your curse tokens from tormented models to one guilty and leave it at the back of your deployment or protected by some model with take the hit). From scheme point, leave your mark came back and it was good for Jack, for public demonstration tormented have a decent pool of 5-7ss models, which are slow but tough both in and out of keyword, as any other melee beatstick master Jack1 can easily score first point of "in your face" and also crew have enough move tricks for enemies to score secret meetup.

  4. 1 hour ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Yeah, and with Molly.

    The whole crew is designed as a squishy bubble that has control elements that sort of negate how squishy they are (in melee at least). But... Just doesn't quite come together xD

    It's a bit hard calling forgotten a bubble crew, when to stay together only want.. Molly, Philip and Machine? Even Philip is pretty mobile with deadly pursuit and his push trigger. So they all are in a weird spot, when some models have some auras to bubble(Philip and night terrors), but at the same time different mobility tools to spread around, and also there are marshal and rabble risers, who doesn't have neither of these

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  5. If we focus on manipulative+boring conversation anti-synergy problem, the best solution for it is changing "he's starting to make sense.." effect from damage to some annoying debuff aura, like it is already made on Alan Reid, Mr. Tannen and Shojo. Betrayal and Red in The Face is a good example of auras, that synergy with boring conversation effect(worth the note, that Mr Tannen's combination could be very annoying and powerful before Trained Ninja was nerfed). Because now Philip's anti-focus aura only synergies with manipulative and it's mostly not worth to trade a manipulative to boring conversation, because without it opponent least likely will concentrate before attacking Philip, if he doesn't have manipulative active.

  6. Yan Lo2 is one of the best leader for master combos in general, as you can set up Reliquaries to make some masters better, so at least I can add following to your list:

    • Yan Lo2 & Seamus1. Seamus is good independent master by himself, and Yan Lo can support his survivability. I tried this combo before titles, but may be now it would be better to take Seamus as leader, since with Yan Lo2 you can pass upgrades without Chiaki?
    • Yan Lo2 & Kirai1. Haven't tried it by myself, but played against Yan Lo1 & Asami1. Summoning master with leadership aura is pretty good.
    • Yan Lo 1/2 & Jack1 can be decent, providing some additional movement to Jack and setting up stagger with Manos. Also Jack2 can benefit from armor1+incorporeal combo with Izamu's upgrade.

    And if ever DMH will be allowed with double masters, Nicodem can bring some combos with Molly, McMourning, Seamus and Jack1.

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  7. Hi guys. What's your opinion about Toshiro's role at the table? His summon ability looks bad compared for forgotten marshal and he isn't a good beater. IMO the best use of him is a support role in crews based on minions hordes. This wouldn't work inside his keyword, because Yan's is more about ancestors than retainer minions, but I see him in experimental crew alongside with kentaurois and FC or in forgotten crew with marshal and his summons of rabble risers, where his leadership and support actions would be useful. It is just a theoryfaux now, I haven't tried it yet. What do you think about that?

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