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Posts posted by Irishwristwatch

  1. 11 hours ago, TeaCrusader said:

    My god there's blood EVERYWHERE. (I'm digging the reference)


    This is some pretty awesome stuff. I'm a fan! The whole chasing thematic is a really cool one, and it looks lie it's done a good job of making that mechanically. 

    I'm really fond of how you've used the thematic, loving the characters and the way the effects and moves are so tied to that identity, good work!


    A couple of questions/thoughts/things.

    1. I think you might want to make the tomb markers 50mm or 30mm, I might be completely wrong but I'm not aware of any 40mm markers in the game yet and it's kinda more likely people might have 50mm ones around to proxy with i think?

    2. A couple of things (like the On your Heels upgrade) could do with a little bit of refinement in how they are written. Purely just to simplify the process of understanding them. I read the upgrade about 3 times before I understood it and I believe it's a relatively simple efect really..?

    3. Have you playtested this? I have only read the cards and it sounds super interesting, but I'd be curious to know how it opperates in an actual game and how it holds up!


    Otherwise, I rather love this! Awesome work!



    Thanks for reading! Yeah I've also heard it said 40mm are rare, but the Piano Markers from Zipp are 40mm, and I thought it was a good middle ground between the two, in terms of their placement and the ability to push them. They would have to be 40mm or 50mm, in my mind.

    Yeah your right about On Your Heels. I haven't playtested them yet, as I have enough difficulty getting someone to play a regular game of M3E its hard to slide over my homebrew across the table without looking like a fool. Though I have mentioned it to some friends and the objective is to eventually get these guys on the table to see how they play. I think just from a balance POV they seem moderately strong, especially with them healing every time they enter the aura of On Their Heels and having Hard to Kill, but with all the push and pull it might be okay.

    I checked out your guys. Real neet job on the cards. Even with all the time I've spent in Indesign for my job I'm real jealous. Great job on the art as well. 

  2. Hey All, I've been lurking around here for a while. I've been playing M3E pretty heavy, since its become one of my favorite games, especially in how thematic each keyword is. Sometimes in my offtime I do a couple fan made designs for games I play, and I came up with a funny keyword that's based on the opening scene to Indiana Jones, but if Jones was incompetent, and would not survive if it weren't for an unfounded luck (plot armor).

    I'm including a document for those who actually want to take if around with you. It includes the lore I made up for them.

    This is what I've come up with:

    Keywords: Tomb Robber, Cusco

    General Concept: A faction that takes the escape scenes from Indiana Jones and makes a faction out of it. Half the models in the faction are effectively antagonistic towards the other half. One focuses on constant movement, the other in creating traps and chasing the former. The idea is that in the chase, the enemy become unwitting participants in this eternal hunt. 

    Main Function: Scheme Running, out of activation movement, relatively fast with the ability to push other models, with Giovanni acting as the lodestone to help push everyone around. Cuscos are relatively durable, but other than that the Tomb Robbers have relatively little health. With placement and movement, the Tomb Robbers and Cuscos are hard to pin down.

    How They Work:

    Giovanni acts as the main focus to the faction, and while he does not do much damage at all, he and other models allow them to push and move towards him. His attached upgrade On Their Heels (which can be put on other models) will, at the end of each turn, let this model push up to 6” away from Cusco models. Those Cusco models then push 6” towards that model. Also within an aura of a model with that upgrade, Cusco models can take interact actions as bonus actions, giving them room to take other actions and effectively run schemes. The aura also heals 1 when they enter, meaning they can potentially regain their hard to kill each turn, while losing HTK In the aura, meaning one needs to think about positioning and order of activations.

    In addition, the faction uses Tomb Trap markers as extra mobility. Giovanni can place himself base to base with the marker after resolving the Tomb Trap, then push 2" while many of the Cusco models have placement effects targeting the traps or can push Tomb Trap markers around. Most Cusco models, except for Yawar, do relatively little damage, though can stack Poison pretty effectively. 

    (*Designer's Note: Giovanni La Fortuna has the classic Egyptoligist look to him, though his clothes are torn and ragged. He carries a sack over one shoulder and a golden idol tucked under the pit of the other. His head is turned behind him as he runs forward in a comedic way, knees high, eyes wide with fear.*)

    Giovanni La Fortuna Cost 15

    Master, Living

    Tomb Robber

    DF 5(Masks) Wp 5 Mv 6(Tomes) Sz 2

    Health 12

    Df,Wp (Masks) “Mama Mia! That was close.” 

    When Resolving, a Friendly model within 4” suffers the attack instead, suffering all effects from the attack and subsequent triggers. The damage flip cannot be cheated.

    Mv (Tomes) "Yahoo!"

    (Markers only) This model takes 2 less damage from the effects of markers. After Resolving, place this model in base to base with the marker. 

    Constant Motion

    Whenever this model declares a Trigger, it may Push 2” after resolving the current action (but before resolving any additional Actions granted by that Trigger, if any).

    The Eternal Chase

    If this model is the Crew’s Master, when hiring this model counts as having the Cusco Keyword. This model also starts with the On Their Heels upgrade.

    Back of Card

    Frantic Flailing 0” Stat 6 Rst Df

    Target suffers 1/2/3 damage.

    (Masks) Meet my friends

    A friendly Cusco model within 3” may push up to 3” toward the target model. After resolving, the friendly model can make a (melee) attack, if able.

    (Tomes) Watch your step

    Push the target model 3” towards a Tomb Trap marker within 4”.

    Derringer 8” Stat 5 Rst Df

    Enemy model suffers 2/3/4 damage

    (Tomes) Watch your step

    Push the enemy model 3” towards a Tomb Trap marker within 4”.

    (Crows) “That didn’t come from me.” *Turns head.* “Uh oh.”

    The enemy model suffers Poison +1. Then push a friendly Cusco model within 6” up to 3” towards this model.

    Tactical Actions

    “Here, Bastardo! Catch!” 6” Stat 5 Rst Mv Tn12

    This action may not target friendly Cusco models. This model loses the On Their Heels Upgrade. The target model gains the On Their Heels upgrade, ignoring the usual limit for upgrades on models.

    (Masks) Reposition

    This model may move up to 3”.

    (Bonus Action) The walls are closing in!” 10” Stat 4 TN 10

    Push a Tomb Trap marker up to 4”

    (Masks) Quick Action

    Take this action again, Targeting a different Tomb Trap Marker within range.

    Swinging On A Vine - Stat 5 TN 12

    May only be taken if in base contact with a piece of terrain. Place this model in base contact anywhere within or in base to base with the same piece of terrain within 6". 

    (Bonus Action) Free Loot 3”

    Target an enemy scheme marker. Place this model into base contact with the target. Then, remove the target and draw a card.


    (*Designer's Note: Shia is a feral child living in the jungles of Malifaux, imagine Short Round with cannibalistic tendencies. His teeth are yellow and broken, his hair in a matted tangle and he’s wearing an old man’s suit bloody and torn to fit his small stature. For an inexplicable reason he follows La Fortuna wherever he goes, but he has only tried to eat him once, though one can forgive him, he was sleep walking at the time. If you don't already know, he's a reference to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0u4M6vppCI*)

    Shia Cost 3

    Totem, Living

    Tomb Robber

    Df 5 Wp 3 Mv6 Sz1

    Health 4

    Your leg, ‘Ah!’ It’s caught in a bear trap!

    If an enemy model with 4”(Aura) must take the test for a Tomb Trap, the TN is +2.


    Enemy models cannot target this model from more than 6” away.

    Back of Card

    Brandishing A Knife 0” Stat 5 Rst Df

    Target suffers 2/3/4 Damage, ignoring Hard to Kill.

    (Rams) Tear Off a Bite

    This model Heals 2.

    (Masks) Meet my friends

    A friendly Cusco model within 3” may push up to 3” toward the target model. After resolving, the friendly model can make a (melee) attack, if able.

    (Tomes) Watch your step

    Push the target model 3” towards a Tomb Trap marker within 4”.

    Tactical Actions

    (Crows) Feast of Vengeance

    After killing, a friendly Leader heals 1/2/3 

    Swinging on a vine - Stat 7(Rams) TN 12

    May only be taken if in base contact with a piece of terrain. Place this model in base contact anywhere within or in base to base with the same piece of terrain. 

    (Rams) Shia Surprise

    If this model is placed base to base with an enemy model, it may make an attack.

    (Bonus Action) Actual Cannibal 3” Stat 6 TN 10

    Place this model in base contact with a corpse marker within 3”, then remove the corpse marker and draw a card.

    (Crows) Eating all the Bodies 

    This model may place within 3" to another corpse marker, then remove the corpse marker and draw a card.


    (*Designer's Note: Much like the riders in The Wild Ones box, Pamela rides a tricked out, steampunk bike. As La Fortuna’s ex wife, she doesn’t really want to be there in the midst of a horde of undead chasing them to the ends of the earth, but she also doesn’t want to see her ex die, at least not when she still has a few things to say to the bastard. Her model shows her bike idling while she has one foot planted to the side. A sawed off shotgun in one hand, lying on her thigh, and a cigarette just pulled out of her mouth. Her hair is frizzy and matted from speeding around on her bike, and her goggles are pushed up onto her forehead.*)

    Pamela St. James Cost 6

    Living, Enforcer

    Tomb Robber, Wild Ones

    Health 6

    Df 5 Wp 5 Mv 7 Sz 2

    Armor +1

    “Pamela, Start The Bike!”

    Once per Turn, if this model activates before Giovanni La Fortuna, it gains Focused +1.


    When this model declares a Walk action, it can suffer 1 irreducible damage to add +1 to this models Mv.

    On Wheels

    After this model resolves a (Ranged) Attack Action, Push it up to 3” away from the target.

    Df (Rams) “Don’t touch my bike!”

    After an enemy resolves a (Melee) attack action targeting this model, take a (ranged) attack action targeting that model, ignoring the rules of engagement and (Ranged).

    Back of Card

    Sawed-Off Shotgun 6” Stat 5 Rst Df

    Target suffers 2/3blast/4blast damage

    (Tomes) Watch your step

    Push the target model 3” towards a Tomb Trap marker within 4”.

    (Crows) “That didn’t come from me.” *Turns head.* “Uh oh.”

    The enemy model suffers Poison +1. Then push a friendly Cusco model within 6” up to 3” towards this model.

    Tactical Actions

    Patch Yourself Up 2” Stat 5 Tn 10

    Target friendly non Cusco model heals 1/2/3

    (Tomes) Herbal Salve

    Healing flip is 2/3/4 instead.

    (Bonus Action) Ride With Me 2” Stat 6 TN 12

    This model may target another (non Cusco) friendly model of lower Sz, Push this model up to 5” in any direction. Then, if this Action targeted another friendly model, Place the friendly model into base contact with this model.


    (*Designer's Note: Their flesh has turned grey, but Yawar stands tall and looks as staunch and strong as the day they named him king. Think “The Nameless One” from Planescape Torment. His chest is bare, but his lower half is covered in brilliant golden cloth. A Large, golden headpiece adorns his head, points of gold rising around the dome of his skull like the sun’s rays over a horizon. He looks on with stern, intelligent eyes, one finger pointed forward to tell the Cusco Warriors where to go.*)

    Yawar Cost 9

    Undead, Henchman

    Cusco, Forgotten

    Health 10

    DF 5 Wp 6 Mv 6 Sz 2


    This model is unaffected by Severe Terrain.

    To End our Curse

    When this model is within 3”(Aura) of a model with the On Their Heels upgrade, this model loses the Undead keyword and Hard To Kill, gains the Living keyword and Heals 1. Within this aura Interact actions may be taken as a (Bonus Action). After leaving this aura for any reason the model returns to normal.

    Hard To Kill

    When this model suffers damage, if it has 2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.

    Fading (The One Who Cries Blood)

    After this model discards any cards, friendly models may push 2” away from this model.

    Back of Card

    Giant Macuahuitl 1” Stat 6(Tomes) Rst Df

    Target Suffers 3/4/5 Damage

    (Tomes) Armor Piercing

    When resolving, damage from this action ignores Armor.

    (Crows) Infect

    Models damaged by this action gain Poison +1 for each (Crow) in the final duel total (to a maximum of Poison +2)

    (Masks) Knock Aside

    Push the target 4” in any direction.

    Tactical Actions

    It Was All Preplanned 6” Stat 6 TN 13

    This model may push a Tomb Trap marker up to 4”. This model may discard up to two cards to push additional Tomb Trap Markers within range up to 4”, equal to the number of cards discarded.

    (Bonus Action) From the Earth 6” Stat 5 Rst WP

    Place this model within 1” of the target model. This model ignores the range requirements for any model with the On Their Heels upgrade.

    (Tomes) From Behind

    This model gains Focused +1 and the target model gains Distracted +1,

    (Bonus Action)Take back what’s ours!” 8” Stat 5 TN 11

    Push the target friendly Cusco model up to 3” towards a friendly Tomb Robber model.


    Cusco Warrior Cost 4

    Undead, Minion


    Health 5

    Df 4 Wp 5 Mv 6 Sz 2

    To End our Curse

    When this model is within 3”(Aura) of a model with the On Their Heels upgrade, this model loses the Undead keyword and Hard To Kill and gains the Living keyword and Heals 1. Within this aura Interact actions may be taken as a (Bonus Action). After leaving this aura for any reason the model returns to normal.

    Hard To Kill

    When this model suffers damage, if it has 2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.

    Rapid Fire 

    Once per Turn. After this model resolves a (Ranged) action during its Activation, it may discard a card to take that action again.

    Back of Card

    Blowdart 8” Stat 4(Crows) Rst Df (Ranged)

    Target suffers 0/1/3 damage

    (Crows) Infect

    Models damaged by this action gain Poison +1 for each (Crow) in the final duel total (to a maximum of Poison +2)

    Obsidian knife 0” Stat 4(Tomes) Rst Df

    Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.

    (Crows) Infect

    Models damaged by this action gain Poison +1 for each (Crow) in the final duel total (to a maximum of Poison +2)

    (Tomes) Armor Piercing

    When resolving, damage from this action ignores Armor.

    Tactical Actions

    From the pit 6” Stat 4 TN 11

    Place this model in base to base with a Tomb Trap Marker within range. This model suffers no damage from the Tom Trap, but will take any additional effects as if it failed the TN test for the Tomb Trap Marker.


    (*Designer's Note: The Tomb Trapmaker has the same build of the Cusco Warriors, though this one is in a long, flowing cape and jaguar head wear. He is low to the ground, perhaps under a bush or tree, and he is sharpening a stake. There are many stakes beside him.*) 

    The Trapmaker Cost 6

    Enforcer Undead


    Health 6

    Df 5 Wp 5 Mv 6 Sz2 

    From the Shadows

    This model may be deployed at the start of the game, rather than during Deployment. If so, this model may be deployed anywhere on the table that is at least 6” away from the enemy Deployment Zone, and it may not take the Interact Action on the first Turn.

    Your leg, ‘Ah!’ It’s Caught in a Bear Trap!

    If an enemy model with 4”(Aura) must take the test for a Tomb Trap, the TN is +2.


    This model may not be targeted outside of 6”.

    Lying in Wait

    During deployment, this model may deploy an attached Tomb Trap upgrade, not needing to flip cards.

    To End our Curse

    When this model is within 3”(Aura) of a model with the On Their Heels upgrade, this model loses the Undead keyword and Hard To Kill and gains the Living keyword and Heals 1. Within this aura Interact actions may be taken as a (Bonus Action). After leaving this aura for any reason the model returns to normal.

    Back of Card

    Obsidian knife 0” Stat 5(Tomes) Rst Df

    Target suffers 2/3/4 damage.

    (Crows) Infect

    Models damaged by this action gain Poison +1 for each (Crow) in the final duel total (to a maximum of Poison +2)

    (Tomes) Armor Piercing

    When resolving, damage from this action ignores Armor.

    Tactical Actions

    Setting Up the Ambush 6” Stat 5 Tn12(Tomes)

    A friendly Cusco model may gain a Tomb Trap upgrade, ignoring the hiring cost of that upgrade.

    The Maze 12” Stat 5 Tn 11

    Remove target Tomb Trap marker, then attach the related Tomb Trap upgrade to this model.


    (*Designer's Note: The Keeper has a slight build with deep, sunken eyes. He or She is dressed in finery, much more than any of the Cusco warriors, in gold and jewels hanging low onto his chest. They wear a huge head dress of tall feathers that have long faded, and under their arm they carry a huge stone circular tablet, marking the dates in a system that only the most learned could decipher.*) 

    The Keeper of the Calendar Cost 8

    Enforcer, Undead


    Health 8

    Df 5 Wp 7 Mv 6 Sz 2

    Df,Wp (Times) Fade Away

    Enemy only. When resolving, reduce any damage this model suffers by 2, then Bury this model.

    Your Time Does Not Matter Here

    This model may target models that are buried. If it does so, it ignores Line of Sight and Range for the action.

    “Not here, not Now!”

    When this model activates when Buried, Unbury this model within 1” of a friendly Tomb Robber model. After it unburies, all enemy models within 4” (Pulse) gains Stunned.

    To End our Curse

    When this model is within 3”(Aura) of a model with the On Their Heels upgrade, this model loses the Undead keyword and Hard To Kill and gains the Living keyword and Heals 1. Within this aura Interact actions may be taken as a (Bonus Action). After leaving this aura for any reason the model returns to normal.

    Hard To Kill

    When this model suffers damage, if it has 2 or more Health, it may not be reduced to below 1 Health.

    Back of card

    Ancient Words 8” Stat 7(Tomes) Rst Wp 

    Target suffers 2/4/5 damage

    (Tomes) Tracking the Sun

    Action can only be taken if the model is buried. Unbury the model into base to base with this model. Then the target model gains Stunned.

    (Rams) Burst Damage: 

    When resolving, the target suffers +(Blast) Damage.

    Tactical Actions

    You Were Never There 6” Stat 5 Rst Wp Tn 12

    Push the target model 4” in any direction. If target is a Friendly Cusco  model, it Heals 1.



    On Their Heels Cost 0

    Models with this attached upgrade have the following Ability:

    At the start of the End Phase of each Turn, if this model is within 6” (pulse) of a friendly Cusco model, this model may push up to 6”. Friendly Cusco that were within within the pulse must push 6” towards this model. During the “Resolve effects” step of the End Phase, for everyone Cusco model within 1” of this model, this model suffers 1 damage.

    In addition, this model may not relent to actions made by friendly Cusco models.

    During the start phase of each turn, this upgrade is reattached to Giovanni La Fortuna


    Restricted (Giovanni La Fortuna)


    Tomb Traps


    Spiked Pit Cost 1

    This model gains the following Action:

    (Bonus Action) Spiked Pit 10” Stat 6 TN 10

    Create one 40mm Impassible Tomb Trap Marker. Models that move, are moved or come into contact with the Spiked Pit must make a TN 13 Mv Duel (The TN for this action is 10 if it was placed by a friendly model). Models that fail the test take 2/3/4 Damage and take Injured +1. 

    Once deployed, discard this upgrade.


    Special (Tomb Trap) 

    Plentiful 2

    Restricted (Cusco)


    Wall of Darts Cost 1

    This model gains the following Action:

    (Bonus Action) Wall of Darts 10” Stat 6 TN 10

    Create one 40mm Impassible Tomb Trap Marker. Models that move, are moved or come into contact with the Wall of Darts must make a TN 13 Mv Duel (The TN for this action is 10 if it was placed by a friendly model). Models that fail the test take 2/3/4 Damage and gain Poison +2. 

    Once deployed, discard this upgrade.


    Special (Tomb Trap) 

    Plentiful 2

    Restricted (Cusco)


    Avalanche of Fire Ants Cost 2

    This model gains the following Action:

    (Bonus Action) Avalanche of Fire Ants 10” Stat 6 TN 10

    Create one 40mm Impassible, Destructible Tomb Trap Marker. Models that move, are moved or come into contact with the Avalanche of Fire Ants must make a TN 13 Mv Duel (The TN for this action is 11 if it was placed by a friendly model). Models that fail the test take 2/3/4 Damage and gain Burning +1 and Slow. 

    During the Start phase, the player with Initiative can push the Avalanche of Fire Ants up to 4”. All models that are moved through must make a TN13 Mv Duel (The TN for this action is 11 if it was placed by a friendly model) or suffer 2/3/4 Damage and take Burning +1 and Slow.

    Once deployed, discard this upgrade.


    Special (Tomb Trap) 

    Restricted (Cusco)


    Flaming Ball Cost 2

    This model gains the following Action:

    (Bonus Action) Flaming Ball 10” Stat 6 TN 10

    Create one 40mm Impassible, Destructible Tomb Trap Marker. Models that move, are moved or come into contact with the Flaming Ball must make a TN 14 Mv Duel (The TN for this action is 11 if it was placed by a friendly model). Models that fail the test take 2/3/4 Damage and take Burning +2. 

    During the Start phase, the player with Initiative can push the Flaming Ball up to 4”. All models that come into contact must make a TN14 MV Duel (The TN for this action is 11 if it was placed by a friendly model) or suffer 2/3/4 Damage and take Burning +2.

    Once deployed, discard this upgrade.


    Special (Tomb Trap) 

    Restricted (Cusco)


    Malifaux Keyword Design_ Tomb Robber, Native.docx

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  3. 5 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    How does treating them as friendly help with those? She would still be controlling their interacts and getting scheme markers friendly to her. 

    The difficulty I have with those schemes is positioning schemes near models, especially with Detonate Charges and not being able to take place scheme markers within 4" while interacting. I find it means Nellie, when sitting near a scrum, can effectively extend placing schemes by a few inches when there's a few enemy models in the same place.. Of course that's only an observation from a few games.

  4. Well hello there. I got a weird interaction I think revolving around the Journalists ability to control interact actions and Plant Explosives.

    So if let's say Nellie uses her One More Question on a model within 2" and an explosive, she gets to tell that model to plant the explosive. But in the rules for the strategy it says friendly explosives cannot be placed within 6" of each other, but Nellie's rule says the model is considered friendly when it takes the interact action. If so, is the placed marker being placed by a friendly model? In which case the strategy marker cannot be placed within 6" of another strategy marker placed by a friendly model? Or can no strategy marker be placed within 6" of another?

    Also is it the same thing for schemes, which says they cannot be placed within 4" of another scheme?

    And just to hurt yur some brains even more, does enemy models taking interact actions within 2" of a model with Exclusive Interview proc model's Breaking News abilities to gain focused or draw a card, in Nellie's case.

    This has come up in two games, surprisingly. 

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