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Posts posted by Atriedes

  1. 21 hours ago, lusciousmccabe said:

    Stick a bunch of gears to it and you could have an industrial scale Soulstone Miner. 

    Someone on the FB group mentioned the same thing! I'll probably make some just because. I just can't use them as I play Neverborn. Though since the mention of it, I've started peeking into Arcanists (Ironsides specifically.) 😆 My bank account needs a break. 

  2. 19 hours ago, Kimberly said:

    Are you going to make custom terrain rules that they move towards a model that walks with rhythm? 

    I love you. And that idea is amazingly fantastic. 🖤 My brain might explode. 🖤 Is there a reference for creating custom terrain rules?


  3. I'll start by saying that I'm very very new to Malifaux. This is what happens when my kid wants to play with sculpey. I start building nightmare sandworm things. These were just for fun. I want to build some that resemble Shai Hulud though. Next time, I'll take pictures to show scale. 






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  4. Some preliminaries. I'm VERY new. I've only run through the game, in a very basic sense, twice. So yes, reeeeeally new.

    I'm sorry if this has been asked before. I've only done skimming of reading about M3e. at's awesome too. So if it's painfully obvious and I missed it entirely-- I apologize. 

    Where can I find more information about hiring out of faction models? I just recently bought the Dark Debts box to use with my Neverborn and the set is going to be Ten Thunders only, instead of duel. 

    Many please and thank yous in advance. 

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