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Posts posted by Soulflayer777

  1. Oh thats cool! I like it. Great painting also! So this is what i went with for Jack. My thoughts behind my choice are as follows (and these are just my thoughts, NOT at all malifaux canon/lore):

    This is what i think Jack would look like in an "Avatar of Injustice" (or whatever) kind of form. Lost the rope and bag and got himself some decent threads to wear. The crows (and this is all according various mythologies) carries peoples souls. Also, alledgedly 5 crows represent sickness (im thinking mental sickness, aka TORMENTED).  Therefore, Jack controls the souls of the Tormented via the crows. 20180610_200507.jpg.3015fea2e748b8f974ddde3354d09bb1.jpg


    • Like 3
  2. That would be awesome. im trying to upload a cpl pics of my progress and it wont let me. Anyhow i got a 4x4 piece of mdf and im going to attach 2x6s around the top of it, thus creating a 3x3 interior and a 6inch spot for stat cards, books etc all around. But now im at a total loss as to how to proceed. Indecision perhaps is a better word. I want a city style layout like in the initial pic, but my terrain/scenery building skills are amateur (and thats being generous). I have a sheet of the hi density styrofoam; still need a hot wire cutter. Ive attempted cobblestone using peeled foamboard (which peeling is a huge pain in the ass). If i was making a board for warhammer and just doing landscape terrain, i wouldnt be struggling so much. But i really want a loose cityscape similar to that pic, for maximum diversity in using buildings and scatter terrain and whatnot.

  3. Hi everyone! Im attempting for the 1st time to make a game board and im trying to figure out how to achieve this. Also, should i use mdf with styrofoam on top, or just use the board itself and sculpt on the wood? Id like it to be mostly a city style board with possibly a few grassy areas on the outskirts. Thanks in advance for any advice!


  4. As for the guilty, id have to pose them in some kind of gross mockery of boy scout achievements. Such as instead of helping an eldlerly woman across the street, he would be tripping her and she would be posed mid fall, arms flailing and glasses falling off

    • Haha 1
  5. Brilliant! The model of Jack will have scout badges crudely tacked on to his shirt in open defiance of his refused admission into the troop and he will be holding a stick over a campfire attempting to roast marshmallows. But instead of marshmallows on the stick, itll be the former troop leaders head. 

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  6. Thats it! Apparently the Boy Scouts havent established a chapter thru the breach as of yet, so he never learned proper knotwork. Ill bet Jack cant untie it and thats why he is so pissed off to begin with. Perhaps if someone showed a bit of compassion and went and loosened it for him, he would stop all the killing. Maybe even settle down and become a blacksmith and raise a family, who knows??

    • Haha 2
  7. I think my problem with Jacks mini is the hood and noose. Now, granted, I understand why they made him look that way, given the back story and whatnot. However, if i were in Jacks place and had made it off that tree, i wouldnt be walking around with a bag over my head and a rope around my neck lol. But thats just me. Perhaps theres a reason in the story that he keeps them and im just not aware of it. Perhaps he finds them fashionable, in which case i salute him in daring to be different. 


  8. Hey everyone. This is my 1st post so hopefully I'm posting in the right place and apologies if not. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas on alternate models for The Guilty and  possibly Jack Daw himself. The ones in the crew box weren't overly appealing to me and I'm trying to come up with something else. I've already found one I like for Jack, but still interested to see if anyone else has gone down this road! Thanks! 

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