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Posts posted by Purzel

  1. Since the number of pre-assembled models ist increasing, I am probably not the only one having this problem:

    Many delicate pieces of the pre-assembled models I recieved are bent (Rifles, the plants on the herbalists, e.g.). I was happy for a while to be able to bend them properly after heating the plastic up with hot water, alas, they bend back after a couple of days.

    Does anyone know a trick to fix the plastic? Some coating perhaps? I am reluctant to start painting them before i have a solution.

    Thanks and best regards


  2. I am planning on using my ridiculously large collection of Malifaux minis to finally convince some old mates to play (I am a collector only, atm).

    Which masters (I am planning on taking max. 3 with me) do you recommend for some balanced battles for absolute beginners that might entice them to keep playing? They are not too keen on Vassal right now, more looking for a casual gaming night.

    Kind regards


  3. Which sources can you recommend for some Leveticus background? Especially his handling of the 'Hollow Waifs' feels very unsettling. Is he indeed an ice cold misogynist using only women as victims for his immortality schemes? What's the deal with Alice and Marlena? Are they bound to become Waifs as well? If so, then this guy is more despicable than Seamus and I have no idea how can he conduct his business without being hunted down by all half-decent and anti-rezzer folk? I hear the rezzers don't like him as well...

    Thanks and regards


  4. I don't understand this reasoning, but maybe because I misunderstood one rule the whole time or I am missing something else:

    The only means for a Tot to remove a corpse marker to trigger Relish in Blood is Grim Feast, a bonus action that can only be taken once per activation. One Tot can gain an additional Token from Nekima, per Only the Strong -> Vicious Vitality. RiB because of a scored kill is unlikely on turn one.

    Unless I totally misunderstand Bonus Actions and, contrary to what I thought, they can be taken multiple times but only once 'as a bonus', ie. without counting to the limit (?): how can more than 1 Tots gain 2 Grow token on turn one? Or did I miss another way they can gain those tokens?

  5. I just assembled Iron Heart von Schill and the Auxiliary forces and while it started with a slight annoyance about the severely grown von Schill, I am thoroughly angry now about the size differences across the whole model range.

    I read about 'heroic size' but the change is not consistent! Some models still fit nicely to the m2 plastic range like the new Misaki, Jin, the amazing Vik's sculpt, some however are totally off.

    This is especially noticable in the Auxiliary Forces box, where the normal scout and drache trooper are packed with the ridiculously enlarged new ones. Asami Tanaka has grown, Electric Hoffman is a giant inside his Exoskeleton. New Reva is ok however.

    Is this going to continue? Please get back to a coherent size and let those huge models be the exception. Sorry for ranting, but this is really annoying for me as a collector.

  6. How will the new master titles (e.g. Viktorias -> Twin Blades) be published? I couldn't find anything (didn't watch the videos though).

    Is it only the cards? New models? Crew boxes? Master (faction) boxes?

    To be honest, I am a bit fed up with the new packaging style and having to buy the same models again to get the new ones I want.

    As a crazy collector I really like the new drawings and I hope for sculpts for each single one.

  7. Thank you all for your answers! Now this increases the frequency of Chronicles far more than I expected.

    Every time any models heals, any model with a Chronicle ability in range trigger theirs (at most once per the triggering model's activation), right?

     I assume that only(!) for a Chronicle that 'may' happen, the model that posses it can decide on which heal during the triggering model's activation it wants to use it, if at all. All other Chronicles in range happen on the first heal per activation of any model in range.

    That's a lot of Chronicle action potentially, interesting!

  8. I am having the same question as Mr. Whisper. Will there be an upgrade to the TTB Module? Getting a bit jealous towards the TOS Players.

    There is also a feature that I am missing specifically in the Module for TTB ( I know it is not necessary for M3E or TOS, but would be nice for M3E/TTB crossover play, which I like to include).

    It would be great if the map (maybe together with encounter models) could be saved and loaded seperately from the game. Ideally even shareable between the 3 Malifaux-Modules.

    In TTB, loading another map means loading all the current decks, which is obviously breaking the rules (reshuffling/redrawing between scenes, sometimes you may need more than one map in a scene).

    I hope there are plans to tackle at least the upgrade issue.

  9. I have another rules question, and probably, hopefully, you will point me to the parts of the Rulebook (2nd Ed.) that clarifies it.

    How do Fated kill Fatemaster characters (FMC) (or knock them unconcious)?

    1. Any FMC of rank Enforcer or higher will never fall unconcious as a result of Wounds < 0.

    2. Hard to kill FMC -> same as 1.

    3. Non-living FMCs (Undead, Constructs, Spirits...) never gain Bleeding Out

    4. I understand the only way characters die is by reaching Bleeding Out+10, a coup de grace (only for unconcious chars) or the Bloody Mess critical (I assume, it doesn't even say so, it just says it is somewhat unpleasant to behold). Yeah, and because of some other effects, like diseases or curses and such.

    So, how do the Fated kill Enforcers+?

    Do they have to add up damage and be lucky for the repeated draw of high cards to reach Bloody Mess on the Severe Table? Some of the lower effects have Bleeding Out or Unconciousness Challenges but the latter don't affect Enforcers+ and the former only Living FMC.

    How about only bringing Enforcers+ down, because the Fated don't want to kill them?

    Theoretically, non-living Enforcers+ can withstand any amount of damage until they finally explode in a gory mess. Maybe they lose a couple of limbs in the process, but they stand (Black Knight Style) and fight until they are reduced to a puddle... Is that the intention of the rules or what am I missing again?

  10. Hi,

    I am starting an online TtB Campaign with a few old mates who are like me bored because of the CoViD partial lockdown. I've ran quite a few campaigns in the past using other systems like Shadowrun, Earthdawn, DnD. I used combat sparsely when possible, so I am familiar with the narrative approach.

    I am going to include a couple of the Penny Dreadful One-Shots into my story and the first thing I am wondering is for how many Fated the adventures are balanced?

    Balancing this game is the biggest issue for me, I haven't got a feeling for the odds yet:

    Starting characters have only a few Wounds and some attacks even by lowly minions can one shot (is that pun intended?) them, let alone enforcers or higher. With wound severity not being cheatable (?) this sounds like the chances of survival are very slim.

    Even later on, you can get more Wounds only every 2 sessions when wasting a Talent on them. Very harsh, looks like you can grow to be a glass cannon or a slightly beefier eternal newbie.

    Is it intended that characters are getting downed, crippled, killed even more easily than in Call of C'thulhu?

    Also, Twist Cards (3 ususally): If you use them during Narrative Time, they don't get replenished except for On the Pursuit failures and reshuffles? So if the Fated cheat fate to further the story they might get caught with their trousers down when Combat (or any Dramatic Time) starts?

    Thanks for bearing with me, I might have missed some things in the Books again.

    Kind regards


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  11. Some characters in the bestiary have abilities with triggers, yet the value and the AV don't have built in suits. How can they use their triggers?

    On the other hand, some have built in suits in some of their abilities. Can Fated have built in suits in their skills? Spell casting without a soul spent or cheating fate ist very hard for fated, because all spells require a suit.

    I did not find a rule about a fated skill receiving a built in suit. However, on Page 284 of the rulebook, the possibility of 'Brett's' Literacy skill being 2M is mentioned. Did I miss something or even more than one thing?

  12. My Miss Feasance will be the anti-Seamus. Ladies of the Night, time for revenge!

    If Emeline Bellrose  (who will replace Sybelle) has stayed sane, why can't the Belles and Doxies? Sane in the sense that they think putting down an especially abusive John is a good deed.

    Size 1 for the Copycat Killer is a fact, I know, but I will use my spare Miss Ann Thrope (with some big Garden Shears) as a Proxy anyway.

    • Like 2
  13. I like the models very much as well. Got all of what has been released so far. As for painting (and play): I assembled (glued) the full buildings partially, so I can open them up, sort of like dollhouses.

    I get the feeling, however, that the line has been discontinued. Also, the collection of stairs is awkward: 4 different types and no connecting pieces.

    That said, I'd  like to see more variants on the Wyrdscape bases, especially the asian ones are awesome because they contain less parts that block the view to the miniature.

    My hopes that there will be more released are not high, though.

  14. Thank you for the explanation.

    I probably would not have been confused if Extended Reach would state 'cannot declare...' but that's nitpicking since I understand now that the action is 'being taken' in Step 1, when it is declared (and not somewhere over the course of the other steps, which only determine how this happens).

    As for Gokudo, alas, they are not for hire in the stores yet.

  15. Does the combination of Take the Hit and Extended Reach (3rd Edition obviously) mean that the Ashigaru can effectively prevent a charge-generated attack on another model? The enemy charges a model in the Ashigaru's range, targets it with the resulting Attack, the Ashigaru jumps in and the attack is not executed because the attacker cannot 'take' it anymore?

    Apart from that situational trick, is hiring Ashigaru into a Yan Lo crew viable at all? The Komainu seem much better for only 1 more point. Or are they meant only as summons for Toshiro

  16. Oh, thank you! And katadder was right.

    Still, feels forced. 'Oiran are gone, deal with it and wait for news minis!' More honest. Sorry, I am angry about too many fluff issues, this is just a small example. I was looking forward to this edition. Shutting up now.

  17. Hm, Kunoichi? Ninjas... Wouldn't match the models very well and the Geishas have the Oiran's Lure ability at least. Some mapping document for 'old' models would be nice, I believe.

  18. Where are the Oiran gone? Have they been renamed to Geisha? And if so, they do have no damage action at all?  

    And they are neither Last Blossom nor Showgirls (aka Performers) anymore? No assassins in silk anymore, just one of the many changes that make me sad.

    McCabes Luna is a sad lonely dog now... Why are you so cruel?

    While I get the intention to make balancing easier with the rigid keyword hiring system, it takes away a lot of fun when building crews. Especially when trying to play out 'cool' encounters, the system is far too restrictive in my opinion.  

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