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Posts posted by justsomeguy

  1. Overall some cool ideas, but have to be careful buffing all of these models as Lucy 2 is already competitive. I think Lucy1 should support the Elite keyword.

    Love the idea of adding a trigger to walk Lucius on issue command.  I've felt that Entourage could push all friendly models up to 2 inches regardless of engagement. That would really help the crews' 0" melees while also fitting theme of slippery bureaucrats.  Issue command should also gain Preparations to hand out focus on a tome. Maybe even raise the tn and build in the tome. I think it also would be thematic to allow arcing (draw los and range) through another elite or mimic within range. At the least Issue Command needs to ignore concealment.

    Misinformation rarely feels good, but with extra walks to maneuver around it may not need anything else. An interesting change you could also put hidden sniper as a bonus action and give it better stat and/or draw out secrets.

    Finally to buff the crew Lucius needs a defensive ability that extends to his keywords. Something like salvage site that targets a scheme marker and reduces all damage by 2.  Or maybe a front of card aura that allows models to remove a scheme marker to reduce damage to 0.

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