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Posts posted by andrewgeddon

  1. So in the end I think I'm going to focus on Jack for the time being and work on expanding out my Outcasts. Crossroad 7 are just a no go unless I stumble on them (Gadzooks was out of stock of most of them, and I can't really justify $25 each for them). So instead I ordered:

    Talos (because 50% off + cool model = yeeeeeah!)
    Crooked Men
    Midnight Stalker
    Malifaux Child

    Ashes & Dust and Hodgepodge Emissary are probably next on the list :D

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  2. Cheers for the advice all! Crossroads Seven is proving impossible to find, so I’m going to skip it for now, maybe revisit it if it ever comes back into production. I am planning on picking up some Drowned / Crooked Men to give me some more Tormented options. I’m also picking up the Hodgepodge Emissary bases on multiple recommendations, as well as Talos… because he looks cool and because I can get him at 50% off, heh.

    With these purchases, I’ve got some money left over still, and I’m looking at possibly dipping into a 2nd master. Listened to the Schemes and Stones episode on Park Barrows, and it seems I’ve got most of what I would need to run him by just picking up the crew box, since I’ve already got Sue / Johan and am picking up the Emissary. I’m wondering if Parker does enough “different” things from Jack to make it a worthwhile investment? I would like to get a master that can do the schemes that Jack isn’t good at.

    On that note, ignoring the desire for overlapping models, what’s a good crew box to pick up that will be better at the schemes that Jack struggles with? Levi box looks like a lot of fun, and reading through some of his lists, I love the options that he brings. Being able to snag Rusty is also a bonus. I have an opportunity to grab some Hamlin stuff at somewhat of a discount (Plague Cometh + Brotherhood of the Rat), but it sounds like I’ll need several more purchases beyond that to make him “good?” Von Schill is off the table because he’s out of stock at where I’m ordering him from, and if I’m being honest, I think he looks a bit boring. My problem with picking Outcasts is that I think all the masters looks cool, except for Schill and Misaki, so I want to get them all, heh.

  3. 3 hours ago, Jinx said:

    One problem with the Outcast faction is the lack of overlap between their different crews. I can't really think of one that has models Jack Daw wants to run. Personally, from a fun stand point, I'd pick up the Crossroad 7. They are really fun models and play well with Jack and some of them you can slot into other crews as well. If you want another crew for variety you can pick up any crew really but Hamelin WILL require some additional purchases :)

    Appreciate the suggestions! I had been looking at the Crossroad 7 as I saw a lot of people recommending them,  but it seems the box is out of production? Can't find it anywhere online or locally. 

  4. Hello all! So I'm a long time miniature player, but totally fresh when it comes to Malifaux (2 games played so far). I picked up the Jack Daw box solely on the basis that he looked cool, played a game, and now I'm hooked. Since then I've picked up some extra boxes to help give me options: Johan, Nurses, Dead Outlaws, Sue, and Jaakuna Ubume.

    I've recently purge down to just 2 miniature games (one being Malifaux), so I have some disposable income. I'm wondering, what's the best way for a newbie to expand? At this stage do I just keep on adding on the odd Tormented / Outcast model and just focus on mastering (no pun intended) Jack? Would it be better to pick up a couple of other master boxes so I have more options? If so, who (if anyone) pairs well with Jack?

    Thanks all!

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