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Posts posted by Xaos

  1. Angel Eyes should get a buff for sure, she's so nice model, with loads of potential, just a bit overpriced, if she got positive flip for shooting her riffle (like freikorps traper) that would make her usefull, both on her own and with changelings.

    Teddie's DF +1 (for example via simmilar upgrade like the one Lelu got) would be nice.

  2. 29 minutes ago, I'm a Teapot! said:

    I was thinking about which enforcers to use for this and the obvious candidates are Mature Nephilim and Teddies. I think Mature is better because he has  flight and a longer charge and a charge through trigger. Lilith can postule it and Serena can you it as an atk pylon from 12" away with no LoS required. 

    Teddies are a good choice for a Zoraida list where they can benefite way more from smell fear and obeying enemies for auto paralyze.

    Zoraida in this kind of list should be fun too, with animal shape fly forward on thefirst activation and obey you fts beater to charge and then activate him second and flurry.

    Btw I dont think anyone brings a full beater crew into corner deployment.

    I think Barbados and Nekima would to that job as well. Also, combining that with forward deployment of Swampfiends (like eternaj Juju) seems nice.

  3. On 12.12.2017 at 10:26 AM, I'm a Teapot! said:

    In my opinion, and I thaught about this alot while testing serena bowman to the max these days, the thing with from the shadows models is that everyone thinks they are dependent on deployment flipping. And yes thats true, but this disadvantage gets smaller the more from the shadows models you have. 

    In my opinion, Serena Bowman not only fixes this issue, but really opens up a new, super fast playstyle. 

    I tried deploying extremely agressive while I lost the flip, and I noticed, that if the crew is build around protecting the from the shadows models, it applies huge pressure to the opponent even with a lost deployment flip. 


    One of the things I liked the most was using doppel and lilithu with fts to lure up Lilith and make her drop hazardous terrain right in front of my fts models to protect them. Also, tangle shadows turn 1 on a key model flinging serena bowman into the enemies, godlike efficient for ap trading.

    Tuco fits in that crew extremly well in my opinion, cause he can be really safe and applying pressure at the same time. 

    Disguised is really powerfull on a from the shadows model and as long as he is not alone out there, he can be played way more agressive.

    I think that burried Killjoy makes such deployment much more succesfull, wile the enemy is a bit scared of killing your models ;)

  4. 8 hours ago, Angelshard said:

    If you're using three changelings I would recommend using the emissary instead and summon them in.

    He's 2 stones less and his Conflux is awesome with Pandora. 

    Yep, but he needs quite some time to summon changelings, first - scheme marker, then apropriate card...

  5. I recently came up with an idea of the highly mobile crew:

    Pandora (Box Opens) 4SS
    Mr. Graves

    The idea is to use Mr. Graves's attack to push whole crew around (both Changelings and Doppleganger can copy that attack), which allows both Nekima and Pandora to spend all their actions on killing enemy models. Silurid is IMO one of the best scheme runners, so that's his job.

    What do you think?

  6. 5 hours ago, AngelRogue said:

    Thank you. I've seen a lot of posts over which models to get, but I have seen less about placement. I've seen reference for Pandora about creating a bubble, or (in rezzers)seamus' crew stick close while seamus himself runs around guerilla style, but very little like that for Titania or Lilith. I am curious about how some of the synergies work but also about tactical positioning to get the most out of each models placement,  specifically the crews straight out of box. 

    I think that will be easy to work out when you read cards of your units, if they buff each other, it's usually good to stay within the buff's range. Don't forget about scheme running, you need at least one model which will be fast enough to run around, place scheme markers etc.

  7. Both Titania and Lilith give you several good options for your crew. Besides, you'll probably end up with at least two masters (I play for about a month and have three). Nekima is a good all-around enforcer, there are not so many things that will survive her attacks. Dopelanger is usefull in every crew, as she copies the action of any model in 8". Mr. Graves (along with Dopelanger and perhaps Changelings) will give your crew some more mobility and punch. Waldgheists will protect your models from harm. Lelu and Lilitu play very well with both Lilith and Titania (and Pandora!). All in all, in Malifaux you build your crew just before the game, knowing who your oponent is and what your objectives will, so having multiple choices is very good. IMHO buying two boxes (Titania's and Lilith's) will give you several good options to build your crew, and you can start from there. Oh, and last but not least - welcome to the Neverborn family! :)

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