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Everything posted by HexBag

  1. Thank you ! im happy you liked the Battle report. From here on i seek to improve future videos with all the many helpful comments people have give me Its very true that editing of the report have taken many nights (especially when i did everything from scratch for the first video) Now on it will hopefully go faster the post edit because i already have the layout done i have finished the recording of the game i will present in the second video and im excited to see how people like the small touch ups after its done.
  2. Thank you Will do thank you for your sub Happy to hear that you liked it! we almost consider to had the panel discussion in the end removed from the final cut just because noone of us have any real experience to be in front of a camera and we just found faults with ourself but after see so many comments that liked the end game discussion i will make sure to have it in there and just make it better in every way i will rethink my duel layout and to shrink down simple duels is a very good idea, that i will without a doubt take that to a serious consideration I would like to make normal duels more intressting to in a good way and this would be one way of doing it in the first video i was concerned that people watching the video would have complains if they would see cards in the discard pile that wasnt showed how they ended up there and thats the reason why i did the full detailed follow on every action so deep.
  3. Great to hear ! after this 3 days after i posted the video i have got alot of constructive critic and i been rewatching my video again and try to take in all of the comments i have been getting and will see what i can do for the next video to make it even better ^^ Thanks alot !! I will keep it up and make more :D. I have take all the suggestion and written them down and i will see what kind of improvements i can do for the future videos You are not the only one that had small problem with the music to voice ratio and i will make sure to balance it better . Thank you !! I will do just that ! i will start working on the next as soon we finished the game that we will have just a few days.
  4. Thank you !! Ye he did a amazing work with them, when he painted them he was abit worried that they got to dark so he went with a snowy swamp theme with them to lighten them up
  5. Im really glad that you liked it i have take some inspiration from some of the current avaible battle reports and added it to the idea that i had in my mind. i have different ideas how i can make it even better and people have send me some suggestions. Hah funny you pointed it out, its very true. noone of us have experience to be infront of a camera but im working on to make it better for the next upcomming videos Ye the power turn of killing a model and gain a model yourself is so strong in malifaux. Leveticus even after errata can be a force to be reckon with Wow thats not a bad grade, seems i did something right !! thank you considering this was my first ever battle report also i personaly still feel there is much i can improve with it
  6. Thanks alot ! Happy you liked it ! for starter im aiming for 1 video / month but if the intrest is high and if i have enough time for it i will maybe go up to 2 videos / month. There will be improvements for every new video that i make this was my very first battle report video i have done so im constantly learning how i can improve it. Up next we are going to see Guild vs Arcanist
  7. Hah so we have so distinctive accent? I hope it was clear enough to understand atleast Glad you like it ! hope you will like the full report when you have time for it i hope to post more videos in the future on a regular basis. will start with 1 / month timeline and maybe one day go up to 2 / month. Next report we will see Guild vs Arcanist
  8. Thank you ! this is my very first battle report i have done and it have take me a very long time to finish it but the future videos will most likley go faster to make (i hope ) for started i hope to post 1 video / month and if people like it and i will find time for it i hope to jump up to 2 videos a month one day Will try to rotate with the factions and masters that will be played to. Next time we will see Guild vs Arcanist
  9. A new started channel with a new video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTr_mgMgDnQ&t=1s
  10. A new channel with a new report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTr_mgMgDnQ&t=1s
  11. A fresh new channel with a new battle report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTr_mgMgDnQ&t=1s
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