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Renegade Cabbage

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Posts posted by Renegade Cabbage

  1. They stack up super easy. The lids are flat and the handle is recessed in the lid. On one of the lids I glued about 10 1/2 x 1/8 rare earth magnets on the outside.  That way I can carry 2 pans at the same time. You just need to be a little gentle if you do this. Those magnets can only do so much to counter the laws of physics. I learned that lesson the hard way.

  2. I went Meijer's and bought a few 9" x 13" baking pans that have a plastic lid that attaches to the lip of the pan. The lid has a handle built into it. I think I paid around 5$ apiece for them. I can carry any models that I have in them with 3 exceptions. Those being, the Rail Golem and the Shadow and Lucky Emissaries. Those, I attach to the side of the pan. And on those I have bigger magnets in the bases. 

  3. I've always really liked Mr. Graves. He hits just as hard as the models already mentioned and is just as survivable. He also has black blood. This can make your opponent think twice about how they want to handle him. But, his best use in my opinion is his show you the door action. Who doesn't like a 6" push on a key model followed up by him pushing into base contact with that model?

    But, honestly, all of these models that we're talking about can do a lot of work for you.

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