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Posts posted by Bakunin

  1. Barbed wire fences are always useful for Hazardous.

    Another thing I try to keep in mind is how big are the individual terrain pieces? Severe terrain that's larger than 6" across is gonna take multiple turns to get thru for nearly any model that can't ignore it. Large blobs of concealing terrain take a lot more to get los than multiple smaller pieces in the same place. 

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  2. I'm starting to wonder if the Viks should try to melee an opposing Master. You'd think they have enough damage output with possibly 6 attacks a round each, but I don't know if they'd survive a tarpit Master. Their only "defensive" stuff is Into The Fray, and if they aren't killing they aren't healing.

    Good thing it's easy enough to get them out of a tarpit engagement

  3. My complaint is it makes Necrotic Decay work differently for different models, which feels like it goes against the idea of having the same trigger across different models. Hayreddin can add 0-2 damage with Necrotic Decay, why not Ashes and Dust? It doesn't seem like it'll break anything as long as it takes 2 damage to add 2 damage. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, DevilCat said:

    What do people think of slapping your own Guilty with Suppressed Memories once up the board on turns two or three in order to have guaranteed targets for Fickle Tormentor and give your opponents more incentive to waste AP to kill the Guilty already up in their beater's face? It's been pretty reliable for me if I ensure I take the actions with Jack to ensure I've got the Guilty lined up for a charge by second turn, though this is basically just opening or going second with Jack, triple moving and throwing out Drawn to Betrayal to yank my Guilty up.

    Seems like a good use of the Guilty's Guilty As Charged. The Staggered condition could be an issue tho

  5. Back in my Warhammer Fantasy days, there were a few units that could reroll failed attacks or wounds, and a few that forced successful attacks or wounds to be rerolled. When they faced each other, you ended up with the hilarious sight of rolling every die twice, since you had to reroll all hits and misses and no roll could be rerolled more than once. In practice, a lot of players I knew just rolled once since it didn't matter.

    For sanity's sake, I'd just say any completely opposite effects just don't do anything. 

  6. I don't really mind the Viks being identical, I think they gained more than was lost. I hadn't considered that one of them is effectively the other's totem.

    Interesting idea that lack of keyword models will push Mercs towards ook ones instead. Viktoria might be the best at paying ook tax, 3 Ronin and the Student is only 22 stones, leaving plenty for taxes

  7. Not so much rules-wise, Battle Tempo seems amazing, but how much variety is a Mercenary crew gonna have?

    2 Minions in-keyword, one of which are Desperate Mercenaries

    No totem

    No out of faction options


    I love the Viks, and I don't have any complaints about the new rules on any of them, I just wish there were more keyword options

  8. 30 minutes ago, Hot4Perdita said:

    I don't remember seeing a Burt or Bishop in the Guild. Are they mercenaries? If so, I don't think they can attach Guild upgrades if it's not their faction.

    i just looked at Nellies stats and upgrades. I didn't see anywhere on them that she can give out fast. 

    Bishop I know is a merc, and I believe Burt is as well. You can only attach upgrades belonging to the faction you declared, so if you went Guild and hired a merc enforcer you can only attach Guild upgrades to it.

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