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Posts posted by Grizelgrandt

  1. Great stuff!!

    I have recently started Malifaux, so I'm not that sure about all rules, but wouldn't Lynch be much easier to hit? Since the door is bigger than him and he is taller?

    I really like the theme you have going there and I totally agree that Huggy is not a superb model in everybody's eyes. You have captured it in a great pose though. Thumbs up! Now I can't say that I'm not playing lynch because I dislike some models.

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    I just recently started Malifaux and love to convert. At least that was what I did before Malifaux, I've started doing it with some sorrow models from pandoras crew, but after researching a bit, i found out that conversions aren't as appreciated in Malifaux as they are in other games.

    I read somewhere that 66% of the model needs to be the original sculpt. Otherwise tournament organizers may disqualify you. Is this something that you have encountered as well? Because some models have (in my opinion) bad poses or details that I dislike. And in the case of posing the difficulties are when you create a new pose you have less than 66% of the original sculpt. You might keep the head and weapons but the "core" would be exchanged. 

    Your work is much appreciated, keep it up. You have inspired me!

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