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Posts posted by Antipodean

  1. On 10/3/2017 at 4:07 AM, trikk said:

    I find the Investigator to be the new Uberpusher. WIth 1-2 extra models for scheme markers you can get her around 9" up the field

    Could you combine this with Queeg's ability to make all those models drop their scheme markers for free? Hmmmm....

  2. Flurry is amazing. You might one shot something, but when you need something dead 3 attacks is the ticket.  Might miss, opponent might cheat, hard to wound/kill etc. etc. can be worked around when you hit something 3 times with this model. No such things as overkill in some cases.

    Sounds like you have just had a bad run of luck.

    • Like 2
  3. Completely missed that in the GG document but makes sense. Haven't seen it come up at tournaments either - but if it did I would use something else. At least building my own will give me a chance to test out how they work.

    No further progress at this stage I'm afraid, I have been busy painting up my Sonnia box. More to come soon.

  4. So this is what I have so far.

    Started with a Tyranid gargoyle body and some Tau bits. Clipped off the head, claws and other obvious fleshy bits from the gargoyle. Filled in the rib cage with putty.

    Added a Tau crises piece for the head, anything boxy with a sensor light should work.

    Found a weird banner with inverted U at the top. Chopped this off, split in half, turned upside down and those bits were trimmed then added for the feet.

    Will leave to dry then do some more filling later. Then file bits down to make more smooth.





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  5. I like taking a bunch of hounds so that I can keep up or out activate the enemy. Helps to have them move before I decide where to commit her to. In addition if they stay in pairs they can run schemes, or as singles they can tie up enemy units for a bit of time.

    I also find the Pathfinder quite useful, again for jamming up enemy units either for Lady J to approach and murder or to delay things I don't want to deal with.

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  6. Generally, walk and focus turn 1. Often positioned overlooking a main area for schemes/strategies where I think enemy minions will come along. The 14" range makes people do silly things like avoid them or overreact.

    I like to follow them around with an Austringer or Hound to get the extra damage too.

  7. Lady J is the only master I currently have, being relatively new to the game (McCabe is on the painting pile).

    I found her "easy" to use at first, as pointed out above she is relatively straightforward in abilities. However compared to the other masters I have been playing against, she does not provide much active scheme/strategy provision. Also I have to be very careful when framed for murder is in the mix. The best solution I have found so far is following her around with a death marshal and simply boxing anything obviously running for this scheme.

    I have got into a good spot with her though, and find her very good at one thing in particular - murdering enemy minions. This helps to get a leg up in the relative activation count & cutting down on enemy scheme acquisition late game. It also freaks people out when you run her right at their squishy lines - watch everyone scatter unless they have a hard counter. You need to be careful where you point her though, stay away from high armour models in particular. Her strength is in the high melee stat and high base damage, so get into combat with 4-5 wound models and one shot them where you can. Don't let her get bogged where possible.

    The other big draw-card in using her is to tie up lots of enemy shooters. 2" engagement range and high melee stat for disengaging strikes works well here.

    I find when I'm running her the Brutal Effigy an almost mandatory choice. Fear not the sword keeps her going and the card drawing can be invaluable.


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