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Posts posted by Gorsk

  1. Brewmaster has great models - but then most of the bayou models are fun!  A recent update released a second version of masters, so you are going to have to decide between the original tri-chi master and moonshiner.  Most folks seem to believe moonshiner is stronger/more competitive if that matters to you.  If you do go for the moonshiner, you’ll want the fermented river monks and a way to track up to 20 poison on most of your models.  I like green 12mm chessex dice that come 36 to a box.  The original brewmaster stacks the poison on the opponent’s crew, but it does not go up as high.

    my only other advice, coming from a new player, is that Malifaux is a dense rule set with a lot of interactions on each model.  This leads me to speculate that it is a hard game to dabble in if you want any level of success.


    P.S. Most players like to have 4 to 8 soulstones left over for use in the game.  So having 5 left over seems useful.

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  2. Thanks for the insight.  As someone who has not yet played with the revised summoning rules, it was interesting to consider the late game ramifications.

    Also, being a bayou collector, I’m happy to see the lucky effigy being useful in this crew too.

  3. Güten Tag und wilkomen.


    Definitely look at the schemes and stones article if you are budget conscious.  Be warned though, I started that way too.  Somer's crew, slop haulers, extra bayou gremlins and piglets was my initial "plan".  Three weeks later, I found that Ophelia's and Mah's crews, Burt, Sammy and Cranky all found their way into my collection somehow.


    Once you get lost in the bayou, it is difficult to find your way out.



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  4. While strolling around my closest FLGS, I noticed roughly four Malifaux boxes left in stock.  They pushed the game with the M2e release, but it didn't catch.  One of the boxes was the nightmare edition whiskey golem, still shrink wrapped!

    I am still building up my Som'er crew and thinking about piggies.  However, I just couldn't let that box sit there - especially at suggested retail price!  While I was not intending to buy the brewmaster any time soon, I am delighted to have this model in my collection.

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  5. Just a few general thoughts, since I don't know the area:

    You mentioned there are experienced players around.  I would see if any players are interested in restarting.

    Then, find a friendly local game shop and offer to run demos during open-table days.  Hopefully you have two crews to use in the demos.

    A huge part of building a community is getting the word out - be at the flgs to talk up the game or advertising set game times on Facebook and/or Meetup.


    good luck and be patient, it can take a little time.

  6. I would like to get into Malifaux with my wife by getting two crews that make for fun/balanced interactions.  Thematically, I love the gremlins (and pigs).  I am leaning towards the guild or maybe arcanists for my wife.  Ideally, the boxes would be good foundations for further expansions in each faction over time.

    Would Somer vs Perdita or Ophelia vs Lady Justice be good starting pairings?  Or maybe Sonnia?

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