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KA Robinson

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Posts posted by KA Robinson

  1. 15 hours ago, solkan said:

    1.  If you're having the friendly target relent, yes.

    2.  There's no range limitation on terrifying.  Even if you can target the terrifying model from the other side of the table without drawing line of sight, you still have to perform the terrifying duel.


    Great - thank you for your response!

    Just another quick follow up (and, yes, another newbie question... sorry!), when casting pine box (or any spell for that matter), if the caster doesn't make the TN (ie in this case 10), even if the duel total for the caster is higher than the target's total (9 vs 5 for example), then I assume that the spell fails anyway (unless the caster chooses to cheat, of course).

    Thanks again!

  2. Hi guys,

    I played my first game of Malifaux last night and loved it, so thought I'd throw myself into a tournie just to get a few more games.  So, I just wanted to confirm a couple of things...

    1) Pine Box: so, its ok to use this on a friendly target (such as you master)? Also (just for clarity), as it has a Ca 5 with crows built in, I'm assuming that all I need is a five or more from the deck (of any suit) (as the TN is 10 (crows)) in order to bury the target?

    2) Terrifying: Does this have a max range?  I guess the real question I'm asking is: if this figure is targeted by a sniper from range, do they still need to make the TN 12 to avoid being terrified?

    Many thanks!

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