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Posts posted by VigotheButch

  1. Friend and I just got done with a game of So'mer vs. Rasputina. Specifically it was an Ice Gamin (that was under the effects of the Sub Zero upgrade) and a Piglet resolving one of its melee triggers. Here are the abilities and their wording:


    "Df (tomes) Sub Zero: After this model suffers damage from a Ml Attack, immediately end the Attacker's activation."


    "Gore: Target suffers 1/2/3 damage. This attack must declare a trigger: (I had a Mask) Bowled Over: After succeeding, push target 4" directly away from this model, then push this model into base contact with the target. "



    He argues that I would do the damage but my activation would immediately end and I would not get the use of my trigger. I contend that is says "after succeeding" and not "after damaging". Now conversely, what if I had gotten the "Eat Anything" trigger that says "after damaging, this model heals 1/2/3/ damage". Would I not get the heal flip?


    When does "immediately end the attacker's activation" take place?

  2. 23 minutes ago, Dogmantra said:

    Reading the abilities now, I'm not sure why you couldn't do that. It'd be a pretty rare situation though.

    The more common occurrence I guess would be to pass the attack off to a bayou that would be nearby running schemes. Making it more plausible to make "Slippery" effectively range 5 hit a little guy instead.

  3. I'm new to Malifaux and have started up So'mer. I'm trying to figure out all the little tricks I can do with the Burt + Trixi + Lenny trio. Looking over their cards I was curious if say Burt is targeted by a ranged attack if he can declare "Slippery" and pass it off to Trixiebelle if she is 2 inches away. Could Trixiebell "Don't fight over me, boys" to another Gremlin since she is now being targeted by an attack? Maybe in this example Lenny since he would be close by? Basically leap frogging the attack down the row from Burt to Lenny who isn't within Burt's 2 inches aura. 

    Of course this is all to say that every target in this leap frog chain is a legal target that is within range and LOS of the attacker. 

    The dream of course would be something like: A Nurse activates and tries to "Take your Meds" on Burt to paralyze him. With no cards in hand Burt decides to not take the WP duel. He wants to pass it off to Lenny but Lenny is 3 inches away providing his Ram aura. Trixie is between both of them however. Burt declares "Slippery" on to Trixie. Trixie then declares "Don't fight over my, boys" on to Lenny. Lenny takes 1 WD, becomes the new target, imposes a -flip to the dmg (useful possibly in other examples), loses the duel but is immune to conditions aka Paralyze.


    Is that even possible? Rules allow it? Anyone else have any cool little tricks to do with those 3 in general?

  4. The rules being you have to use your box up to 35 SS. Some people in our group have noticed they can only get up to 27 SS, with 7 SS pool effectively losing a SS. Seeing as how the first two weeks are mess around and learn your new models with a focus on getting models painted up. Week 3 you can start building with things found outside of your core box (upgrades, units, summons, extra units that are found in your box but you need more - looking at you bayou grems). I imagine I won't be winning much in the first two weeks. 3rd week should get more interesting however. I have some slop haulers, more Bayou grems, piglets, pigapult, Sammy, Ophelia's box...I have stuff to work with just don't know where or how to begin as I've never played Gremlins before nor played against them. Actually, I've never even seen them played TBH. I just hear the tales and read battle reports and can't wait to try them out. So with my very little knowledge and these very restrictive rules, any advice on how to begin these first two weeks? PositronMike's idea of a firing line seems like pretty much all I could do...


    If you guys know of any good videos, battle reports, pod casts, heck even forum posts you could point me to I'd appreciate it. 

  5. Its going to be a 6 week league. First two weeks are box only. Second two weeks will be 35pts that you can build with. Last two weeks will be full 50pts games. I'm relatively new to this game and just started about a month ago with Resurrectionists - Seamus. I thought it'd be fun to swap over to Gremlins for this league as I was torn between them and Reserrs when starting. 


    I hear Som'er's box is probably the best as far as models you can use out of the box. Although, the first two weeks of the league dictate you cannot summon outside of your box which I believe would mean I couldn't summon more Bayous until the ones I started the game with die off. 


    With that info, I was just looking for some tips and advice on how I can start playing Som'er with these restrictions and how to grow his crew and play him competently. A friend turned me on to Alex Schmid's new youtube channel that has amazing info in it but obviously not enough. Anyone have any good links I should check out? Any pointers? Thanks all!

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