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Posts posted by barrettjdea

  1. So Kitty has an attack that has no printed damage track but has a ram trigger that says: 

    Reaching Tendrils "When resolving, the target suffers +1 damage and this model Heals 1."

    Was this supposed to have a damage track or does the trigger just add a ping of damage and a ping of heal?

  2. My buddy and I have played 25 scrip games thus far and I have really liked a list that uses the following:

     Fenton in the commander slot with Corona of Flame and Flaming Effigy. (2 scrip on upgrades) 2 

    The Warped with 2 Raving Madmen (9 scrip +2 for Madmen)  11

    Doomseekers with 1 Raving Madman (7 + 1 for Madman) 8

    Stalking Portals. 3

    24 scrip total.

    This basic setup really wants you to use Fenton to quickly flip all your stuff to Glory. If you draw even just 1 card you can start a model off on glory by activating Fenton and pitching it. You could even get 1 extra if the pitched card is an ace. This goes a bit further since he gets an action to give out shaken tokens off Flaming Effigy and can trigger 2. The Madmen let you get an extra attack when you have shaken tokens that has strength equal to the shaken tokens up to 5. Having your Warped start turn 1 with a Melee 7 strength 4 attack that has built in suit for penetration flips AND a morale action that is a 5 vs Willpower and ranges from 1-5 power is tasty as hell. 

    Upgrading to a 50 scrip game I would add Adeodatos and go slim on upgrades for him. I feel that abusing Fenton to power up troops is the way to go in this kind of list so another set of Warped and 2 sets of Twisted Horrors would finish it off. Being able to quickly get all of those into glory gives you a damn good damaging melee beater with the Warped and Twisted Horrors just don't die when flipped. Slap Hovering Portal on Adeodatos and now you get either shaken tokens to flip your guys to glory when they port, or reinforcement tokens to let them just never die. This is especially nasty when you dump Twisted horrors on someone early to lock them down, as now they are gonna replenish any losses. Hell you get those tokens as they die, and mill your deck which is great for activating their reactivate when you burn through the whole thing.

    50 scrip

    Fenton with Corona of Flame and Flaming Effigy

    Adeodatos with Hovering Portal

    2 Warped with 1 Madman in each.

    1 Doomseeker with 1 Madman

    1 Stalking Portal

    2 Twisted Horrors.

  3. Hmmm, OK so it seem like Lilith box, Primordial Magic, and Widow Weaver are good ones to look into. I like that they are suggestions that can be of use with more than one crew. Not that Thana mentioning Brutal Effigy is bad though! Why does Nekima bring it home over Teddy? I have grown rather fond of that scary ole bear. And are there any models like Effigy that are auto-include with anyone I have? I feel that from what I have played Illuminated may be that way cause they are just so damn good. Also heard Iggy was nice with Pandora, just not sure why.

  4. Hello all! I was just wondering what you all think are key Neverborn models to fill out my options. I currently have:

    Dreamer Box

    Collodi Box

    Jakob Lynch Box

    Pandora Box

    Titania Box

    Insidious Madness x3



    Waldgeists x3

    Beckoners x2

    Stitched Together x2

    Lelu & Lilliltu

    I am really looking to see if there are any key models that people think every Neverborn Player needs in their toolbox, or that are staples for the masters I have. If I get any other masters I will probably be staying in faction. I was leaning towards The generic totem for Neverborn, as I have heard good things about it. Any input would be appreciated!

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