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Posts posted by keeno1979

  1. Thank you @CactusEmperor, that was really appreciated!

    Currently i'm looking along the lines of something like this ...

    Toshiro the Daimyu / Bete Noir
    Karina + Faces of Oblivion
    Rotten Belle
    Death Marshall
    Void Wretches

    However I thought that Tara giving Bishop a whack at the beginning of Turn 1 for FAST would be more guaranteed than the pulse effect?

    This way (hopefully) I can summon some Horrors with Karina, who then bury themselves before being unleashed into the enemies deployment.


  2. So tomorrow, my friend and I are having a bit of a grudge match ... we've randomly chosen our factions & leaders and I've been given Tara who is going up against Sonnia.

    This is what I'm thinking of taking ...


    Tara (Knowledge of Eternity, Obliteration Symbiote)

    Bishop (as Mercenary)

    Rotten Belles (x3)

    Madame Sybelle

    Karina + Faces of Oblivion

    43 Stones so Far


    You can probably tell what I'm planning to do here, but I have a good 7 stones left (if I don't pad out my cache) and wondered what you would suggest to add in to combat Sonnia.

  3. So we had a game today that brought up an interesting quandry ... 

    Phillip and the Nanny were surrounded by the Viktorias and another sister. One of the Vik's (can't remember which now) got a trigger / spell that allowed her and all other sisters within X inches to perform an attack.

    Phillip and the Nanny hadn't activated yet, so as such was subject to manipulative - does this count towards these triggered attacks? As in, would the models doing the 'free' attack still have to take the WP duel?

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