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Rabid Bunny

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Posts posted by Rabid Bunny

  1. Hey, I had a bit of trouble sleeping last night, so I decided to do some theoryfaux whilst I tried to doze off. One thing to note is that I am still a new player, so this could all be a load of billhooks. Ironically, I started thinking about the Dreamer.

    The Dreamer was the model that got me into Malifaux originally, the idea of a warped Calvin and Hobbes really intrigued me. The Nightmare models are nice, as well as pretty much everything else in the Neverborn faction (part of the reason I own all of the current plastic models despite only having played 10 or so games...), the Dreamer will probably be the next Master I try. I want to run Summoning Dreamer, but the waking limit seems to be the hard cap on how much stuff you can get out a turn. I had a flick through my stack of cards and thought about the Black Blood Scion for condition removal, but this is done at the start of the model's activation rather than during the Scion's. It also costs two cards, which is a bit steep for a Master that needs to discard cards to fob off damage to his friends.


    So I dug out my Johan card and read through his commanding shout ability (GO BACK TO SLEEP!), Does anyone think it could be handy having him follow the Dreamer around keeping his Waking lower for maximum nonsense healing? The idea of summoning a Teddy, then have it heal 5 damage when it activates, then have it heal another 5 the next turn before it starts running around eating stuff is tempting.

  2. Hey, I thought i'd post some of my Malifaux stuff on here for some C&C. I'm a bit erratic when it comes to painting, one advantage with Malifaux, especially the Neverborn, is the variety of models means I can paint whatever takes my interest on that day. The downside is I think i'll be stuck in an eternal hell of half painted models, but oh well.



    This is a sculpted Scheme marker. One of my friends should be casting a few up for me eventually. I plan on getting 20 or so of these, sprinkling some with bits of bodies for Corpse Markers, scrap for Scrap Markers, webs for Web Markers and whatever else I may need. 


    This is Kade, the nappy and Knife still needs to be finished. I'm quite happy with the skin and face on him, he is such a tiny model its a bit of a hassle to paint.



    Mr Graves. I have no idea why his clothing is slightly purple, I just used greys and browns, but eh. I wanted all of the skin on my Neverborn models looking fairly unnatural. I can't imagine living in Malifaux is conducive to healthy living.


    Collodi. This guy was one of the two reasons I went for Neverborn (The Dreamer being the second). Only the coat and white dress is done on him. I want to paint all of the dolls at the same time to be consistent, so he might be stuck in a painting limbo for a bit.


    The Widow Weaver. Only the dress is done, the brolly needs to be cut out and pinned as it snapped pretty much just after the glue set. I wanted to go for a weathered, tatty wedding dress look for her, it adds to the brilliant creepiness this model just radiates.


    A Terror Tot. Only the skin is done. The other Tots and Nephilim have the basecoats done, I wanted something dark and feral looking.


    A Family photo. Only the skin is done on Lilith, Nekima needs a lot of work on everything, i've just blocked in colours and started on the skin.


    The Cherub. I painted the skin the same as a Nephilim, but with a purple wash to differentiate him from the true Nephilim.


    Lust. I picked up the Crossroads box as all of the sculpts appealed to me. Lust is the closest to being finished. The skin is slightly glossy because of a red wash I put over it. The dress has since been highlighted up and is waiting for a wash to bring it back down and help smooth the transitions.


    Doppelganger. I need to finish the sheet on her front and her hair. The skin and muscle is done. I really enjoyed painting the muscles on the back.


    A Daydream. I wanted to add some brighter colours to the Dreamer's models as they are drawn straight from a Child's mind. The other two will (eventually...) be blue and red (probably)



    Coppelius. I'm happy with everything but his face. I wanted to go for a cuttlefish look, but it didn't really work. I've got a spare one unbuilt, so if I really want to, I can try something else. The clothes are a very worn purple with weathering powder all over. I've since added blood to the eyeball, both hands and base. I wanted him to look like he has fighting in the dirt as I imagine grabbing an eye out of someone's face might end up turning into a dirty brawl on the floor.







    And all of the scenery. I picked all of the MDF stuff from TTCombat, its quite cheap, but very good. The stone walls are from the Rackham pre paint boxes, they are nice sculpts. I've also got a bag of crates, sacks and fruit for the market stalls. The doors don't open (yet...(well, I might make them open)) but the roofs are removable so models can go inside. I've been the only player in my group to do this so far (Running away from a Gremlin gunline in my second game, that wasn't the most amount of fun i've had).

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  3. For your first miniatures, these are really nice. You have some incredible brush control seeing as every area is clearly defined, one of my local club members is going half mad trying to paint this crew due to all the fiddly parts. I'd second what Robson315 says, thin your paints a bit and use washes. Two thin coats is always better than one thick coat. Washes are really simple to use and they really add some depth to the areas washed.

    edit: Also, everyone starts somewhere, i've got the first Space Marine models I ever painted next to my paints so I can always see how far i've come.

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  4. Hey, i've just recently started playing Malifaux and i'd like to learn a bit more about the Malifaux world, mainly the Neverborn. I've listened to all the Breachside Podcasts (I'm normally left alone at work) and one thing that caught my attention was the Dream sequence with Pandora and Nytmare. I'd like to learn a bit more about Woes as I really like the idea of a stranger, yet worryingly familiar type of monster.

  5. Hey, my name is Jack. I've been following Malifaux for a while now, my gaming group was never willing to look outside of different game systems until GW dropped AoS, which utterly killed our gaming group. We've started meeting again, mainly playing Horus Heresy and a bit of Malifaux. I have to say, this game does everything arse-backwards, but it works so well. I've played around 7 games, but only two with proper strategy and schemes, and as the models are stunning, I own every Neverborn plastic currently released (and with the Easter sale, i'll have everything >:D ). I've also spent £100 on some TTCombat terrain, which means I can have a properly fleshed out gaming board.

    I decided to go with Neverborn as I like the variety the range has, it also looks like it'll be a challenge to get them all looking coherent yet unique, but that'll be half the fun.

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