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Posts posted by RamsMasksRams

  1. Hey. I was wondering if somebody could clear something up for me with regard to Northern Aggression. I've looked around both the book and the internet and have found nothing on this.

    When I was reading it through I was pretty excited to read that it was part of a planned three-parter. While this isn't a bad thing (it's a very good thing in fact), it does raise some questions about pacing, main problem being fate steps. 

    How should fate steps be handled if somebody is intending to run the trilogy? Should I be planning around each book having different PCs? Should I only do one or two fate steps in the first book with the intent of doing the rest in the next? Should I be doing every fate step in the first book with the intent of the PCs getting more in the next? 

    I'm not asking for any details on plot or spoilers and I know anything you could have at this point isn't final but I figured you must have some sort plan with this.

    Sorry if this has already been answered and I missed it in my searching.


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