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Posts posted by Rcarrillo

  1. On 3/31/2019 at 7:52 PM, retnab said:

    Yup, especially when you combine the quote you mentioned on Pg 29 ("A model can only have one instance of each Condition at a time") with Pg 23's "If any of an Action’s effects cannot be resolved, they are ignored" then the action cleans up to just "discard a card" basically.

    For stacking Conditions counting as gaining when they're added together,  I also don't think it's clear enough.  I have a feeling the RAI is no, but then on Pg 29 you also have "Some Conditions have an associated value, such as Burning +1. If a model with such a Condition gains another instance of that same Condition, the value of the gained Condition is added to the model’s existing value for that Condition to create a single Condition" which starts off by saying the model gains the Condition and then doesn't clarify later if adding the Conditions together still counts as gaining or not, so RAW I think adding together does still count as gaining (which is actually a solid buff for Iggy assuming it doesn't get reworded/FAQ'd).

    The real question is: how misery works as an aura on page 30.

    "Auras are not cumulative. If a model would be affected by multiple Auras of the same name (i.e., if the aura would change its game state in some way), then it is only affected by one such Aura of its controller’s choice."


    16 hours ago, Hawkoon said:

    It is indeed another models acrivation, so misery would trigger again.

    Just as I thought it would be. I think this way Misery is really Broken with Candy around. Since every miniatures that activates 4" from here, gets stunned inmediately, without making any check.


    Basicaly, you place Candy with Pandoras pushes in position, without activating Candy. And if the enemy moves away Candy you can bring her back with Kades "Where is Teddy"

    What are your thoughts?


    It's a really strong strategy that does not relly on a goog hand.

    • Respectfully Disagree 3
  3. So!

    The wording of Misery states "Once per activation. After an enemy model within 6'' gains stunned, this model may move it up to 2'' or have it suffer 1 damage"

    If a model gains stunned on different model activations, example Sorrow A Glimpse of Insanity, gain 1 Stunned and 1 damage from misery. Then Sorrow B activates, using Stunned applied by Sorrow A to gain +flips and applies a second Stunned on the model.

    Does the model receive a second damage from Sorrow A?

    It's not so clear with the wording "Once per Activation"

  4. Hello, I'm a new Henchman in Chile looking forward with local henchman and myself to get some Malifaux Community growth here in Santiago.

    I'm running demos at my wargame store in Santiago, Wargaming.cl, located in Manuel Montt, Dr. Manuel Barros Borgoño 100, Providencia, from Monday to Friday! So, if you are interested, just head up here and lets cheat the fate!


    Hola, soy el nuevo Henchman en Chile y estoy buscando, junto a otro Henchman local, hacer crecer la Comunidad de Malifaux acá en Santiago.

    Estamos haciendo demostraciones en mi tienda en Santiago, Wargaming.cl, ubicada en Manuel Montt, Dr. Manuel Barros Borgoño 100, Providencia, de lunes a viernes! Así que si estás interesado, acércate a la tienda y vamos a engañar al destino!

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